Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Trouble Isn't Liberals. It's Progressives.

The progressive movement at the turn of the 20th century had roots in German philosophy ( Hegel and Nietzsche were big favorites) and German public administration ( Woodrow Wilson's open reverence for Bismarck was typical among progressives). To simplify, progressive intellectuals were passionate advocates of rule by disinterested experts led by a strong unifying leader. They were in favor of using the state to mold social institutions in the interests of the collective. They thought that individualism and the Constitution were both outmoded. That's not a description that Woodrow Wilson or the other leading progressive intellectuals would have argued with. They openly said it themselves.


Anonymous said...

I think the author of this is wrong in asserting much difference between liberals and progressives, as the core problem with these people is that they refuse to acknowledge the lawful limitations placed on gov't by the Constitution for the sake of their agendas. He acknowledged as much with the "living document" nonsense attributed to the Constitution that ALL of the left seems to share.

This in and of itself is evil, and these people ALL of them, on the left, would sacrifice lawful limitations and individual liberty on the altar of what THEY think is good for the rest of us, despite not having our consent to do so.

This in and of itself is tyranny.

Look, you cannot placate, bargain or reason with EVIL.

And the left, is evil.

From the most "moderate" of them to the most radical- they all believe that human rights are subject to mob rule.

Oh, and the author is also wrong about the originating source of this evil political philosophy- it comes form the Fabian Socialists in England, you know, like George Bernard Shaw, who's "gentlemanly gas" which he would use to rid society of undesirables, was actually made a reality by the Nazi's when they gassed 6 million of my people -the Jews- to death with Zyklon B.

There is NOTHING "gentlemanly" about the left.

And NOTHING worth listening to or aquiecsing to, they aren't even liberals, as the author acknowledges- classical liberalism is NOT EVEN CLOSE to what these scum are.

They are progressive socialists who, if given their way, would make hell on earth all over again just like they did in Russia,China, Germany and everywhere else their sick credo has been given a say.

Squash them.

Or be squashed.

Yank III said...

Amen !

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to call folks Progressives, but I prefer to call them what they truly are, COMMUNIST.


Jungle Work

Anonymous said...

Mike...you need to link/read this article:

See americanthinker.com
July 1, 2014
Styled: Immigration Criminal Voted for Gun Ban.

Anonymous said...

Leftists have a mental illness called "liberalism". It is devoid of logic, morals. reason and fairness. It makes them seek control over everyone and everything.

Once they have this disease, it is much like rabies. The victim cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with. When cornered with the truth, they get vicious and attack.

All one can do is deliver a merciful and well aimed rifle shot to the brain.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to call them - loyalist enemies.

Paul X said...

Well, progressives are more fascist than communist.

I have to laugh at the notion that the right cares any more about the Constitution than the left. Everybody cherry-picks the thing. Anyway since the 14th Amendment, the entire document has become internally inconsistent (assuming it was worth a damn even before then). Don't forget who warred on the South, Lincoln, a Republican.

Anonymous said...

So, we need to be working on a plan of action designed to defeat the leftists beginning from a defensive posture.

Any ideas out there?

Jimmy the Saint said...

@Anonymous: "So, we need to be working on a plan of action designed to defeat the leftists beginning from a defensive posture.

Any ideas out there?"

Surrender and collaboration?
- Weepin' John Boehner