Monday, July 7, 2014

Target gun poser photo provokes angry backlash

“You can't protect me and my family nor replace them in an event a psycho murders one of my family members,” Lo wrote in the comment accompanying photos of him holding a handgun while standing in a Target facility and kneeling next to a little girl riding in a stroller shopping cart, pointing the gun in a manner that appears to violate fundamental gun safety rules. “My right is my right and no government agency or corporation can protect them from violence!”


Anonymous said...

But but but it's those guys carrying rifles slung over their shoulder making us look bad!!!! They should leave the rifles at home and just carry pistols instead!


Uh huh.
I'm left to wonder if all the complainers about rifles NIW SEE how easy it is to demonize carrying of pistols and that once carrying of rifles is eliminated, eliminating carrying of pistols is just a brandish or two away.

This cat isn't pointing his arm at his daughter, the muzzle is just not quite "up". He just took a photo holding his arm.

Right wrong or indifferent, he has the RIGHT to do so! When will "law abiding gun owners" figure that out?

Do you have a right to carry a bible in your hand and pose for a picture? Yup! So tell me then, why is the right to carry any DIFFERENT?

Lemme guess - cuz its a GUN, right? Uh huh. The Second is "Different", right? Hogwash.

Controllers are controllers - even if their controls are somewhat dissimilar. Remember that.

Anonymous said...

I carry cocked and locked, the way John Browning designed his pistol to be carried. I carry concealed. I don't mind paying $25 a year to do that. I will NOT open-carry. I will NOT give away tactical surprise. I will go where and when I choose because the twits who make these rules don't have the stones to ask me if I'm packing. Hasn't happened yet. If you wanna open carry, bless your heart, do it -- but stay the hell away from me. When the SHTF and the next nut case comes calling, better he shoot you first while I draw, shoot, and move.

Anonymous said...

Why don't idiots realize the you don't have 1st Amendment or 2nd Amendment rights at PRIVATELY owned businesses?

Don't like their gun policy? Don't shop there. Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

Dude's a plant.

C'mon, someone just happened to leave a loaded handgun in the toy aisle of a Target recently... connect the dots. Now we have this dude, the poster boy for How To Not Handle A Firearm.

The OPFOR is very determined to win. Are we?

Paul X said...

"Target has told you your unalienable rights are no such thing"

No. Target has property rights and in any free society they'd be able to ban anything they please. If you don't think so, you don't understand or support liberty.

As to Lo, even idiots have RKBA. But not on the property of those who object.

Anonymous said...

Divide and conquer. Calling this guy an idiot for "brandishing" for taking a picture with his firearm with his finger off the trigger. Nothing about that picture indicates that he ever pointed the weapon at anyone. We have lost because "some" of us are "superior" to the others. Just get ready to turn them in. We deserve to lose our rights. We can't stick together for five minutes. Geniuses.

Anonymous said...

No Target did no such thing. They just ASKED that you not bring your gun there. What most of the rest of us realistic and responsible gun owners already understand, and are trying to diplomatically remind you, of the absolute right to be a retard mentality, is to use some common sense.