"Even a stopped clock is right twice a day." -- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (and she had the face to stop them, too.)
Oddly enough, I'm with Old Yellowstain on just this one point: Boehner disagrees with Palin on impeaching Obama
Why energize Obama's base to turn out? Save it for the war crimes trials.
Mike: She is also famous for another memorable quote; "He who knows nothing must believe everything"
Maybe I missed something here about why "Die alte Freifrau" was put into your blog, but being of German extraction i can interpret a couple of things in her bio. The words "freifrau" and "freiherr" refer to the fact that they were not serfs. A "free-woman" or "freeman", just like Americans used the term freeman at one time. Also the fact that she has a "von" in her last name denotes being of aristocratic birth.(so does marrying a cousin). I don't get why you put her in here, but i wasn't born with a "von" in my name, or a silver spoon in my mouth for that fact. I guess that's why my family came here in the late 1800's. So we could be all "freifrauen" and "freiherren". And for those who are still bitching about slavery - serfdom existed in central Europe up 'till around 1880 or so...
While I agree with the concept of impeachment, doing so to Obama won't do anything. Clinton was impeached, and he was still president until the end of his term, laughing and philandering all the way. The general public has a false notion that impeachment leads to the president being removed from the Oval Office, not the case.
MadDawg, there are two actions we seem to use the term 'impeached' indiscriminately for.
Impeachment by the House leads to removal from office the same way that an indictment leads to a conviction.
Nixon and Clinton were impeached by the House (the true meaning of impeachment). Nixon resigned his post, Clinton fought it out in a Senate hearing (it's common but wrong to say a Senate conviction is impeachment) where he was not convicted.
If Obama were impeached soon enough to be tried by the current Senate, the chances of conviction are essentially zero. I'd bet serious money that you couldn't get the current Senate to convict even Holder.
Impeachment by the House is merely an indictment, then over to the Senate for a trial.
Since a snowball has a better chance of surviving hell than an impeached Obama has of being convicted and removed from office in Harry Reid's Senate, it's counterproductive to even try.
Obama will never,never,never be impeached. Evil has its own trajectory and once in play on a massive scale like it is today in this country, it will have to play itself out. We can only record what is happening and stand up against it but only "a pitiless crowbar of events" can stop it.
And I think this lady is beautiful--she looks tough and strong--what's the deal with making fun of her looks?
Obama has become the perfect foil against which the deeds of Harry Reid and Holder go unchecked and in the background. Reid has done as much damage as head of the Senate if not more damage in fostering the divisiveness.
The tone here is that one shouldn't start a war, but should finish it.
Impeach & Convict Obama and your enemies will start the 'hot' war to which you constantly refer (leading to your much mentioned 'war crimes trials', or 'reign of terror', depending on one's point of view).
All presidents should be impeached. Every damn one of them.
But impeachment is a sideshow, albeit an entertaining one (and useful for that purpose only). It will never change the structure of power in DC.
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