Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Enter the "brownshirts."

Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest


Sedition said...

I was wondering if you saw that story yesterday.
Perhaps we need to out these "brown shirt" bastards to the public and let them know that the Threepers are aware of and know who they are...

GA Patriot. said...

I have two words for Obamas' Brown Shirts: Armor Piercing.

Mark Matis said...

Three more words for them, GA Patriot:

"Free cocktail delivery"

Anonymous said...

But don't you understand? It's for the children!

Anonymous said...

I live in San Antonio. Even on the local Fox outlet there is NOTHING about health concerns/problems with the flood of children coming in.

No surprises there. NONE of the local news outlets will touch anything that might reflect badly on Dear Leader or his local minions.

Anonymous said...

I suspect the people running these controlled access camps don't understand that controlled access also means that it is possible to create controlled egress.


Slobyskysa Rotchikokov said...

@ GA Patriot - how about THREE words - Front Toward Enemy.

Unknown said...

Well. Concentration camps. That is one way to handle the illegals. Not the way I would go personally though.

Sounds to me like these camps are being used as medical testing grounds.

Mark Matis said...

Surely by now , you understand that Fox is nothing more than the Rove Republican channel, thanks to Murdoch, and the Saudi channel, thanks to Alwaleed. And Murdoch recently had a tête-à-tête with Valerie over immigration. Fox only SEEMS to be "conservative" in comparison to the REST of the Media.

Anonymous said...

Probably just more fear mongering from Fox. It is listed as "opinion" in the article after all.

CowboyDan said...

Paul, they're not concentration camps, they're education or indoctrination or medical "specialty" camps.

I see they're sending the invaders around the country to small towns. My guess is sometime in the near future, people will start getting sick.

When that happens, don't take the vaccines. Those will be the activators for whatever germs the kids left on the trains/planes/buses used to transport them.

It's going to get REAL ugly soon. Remember who the useful idiots are.

Anonymous said...

Well these third world children could be quite useful to the regime.

Don't third world dictators just love their child soldiers?

Remember at the end of Lord of the Flies when the British officer looks at Ralph and Jack and thinks they have been 'playing'--"fun and games" in good ole U.S.A

Anonymous said...

Does it not at least creep these Journalists out that they cannot report the news or have they gone that far down the road that this is the new normal?