Monday, July 14, 2014

Collectivist "journalist" Travis Gettys apparently gets all his story ideas from Sipsey Street.

"Suspicion has one thing in common with the usual virtues: it is only effective on condition that it allows of no exceptions." -- Robert Merle, Malevil.
Border militia plot evaporates into ‘cluster coitus’ as doubts arise over ‘commander’
I have been roundly criticized for my caution regarding the "Hey, let's run to the border and point rifles in the faces of children" plan of “Commander” Chris “Threepercenter” Davis. Davis apparently continues to disappoint in many quarters, including this carpet-chewing Internet broadcaster.
Obscenity warning:
It is also apparent that collectivist "journalist" Travis Gettys gets all his story ideas from Sipsey Street.


Paul X said...

I'm with you, Mike. People should try not to be patsies.

Anonymous said...

The Black gentleman in the blue shirt that he claims is the 'Commander of the Laredo sector" is actually Mr. E.T. Williams, he calls himself the "Dr. of Common Sense" and has copious videos ranting about President Obama and his Administration on Youtube. Not sure where the fellow in this video gets his information, but he is wrong.

Youtube link: