The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Alan Colmes as Landru. Sentient, and non-sentient, observers. In retrospect, the whole Colmes interview left me profoundly depressed. . .
"You are not of the body!"
. . . especially when he brought in his callers. I was reminded of Mark 8:18: "Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?" I was also reminded of this passage from one of my insomniac readings recently:
Between 1837 and 1841, it became clear to sentient observers that an apocalyptic battle was looming between North and South; or, more accurately between Union and Slavery -- a struggle that would dwarf the acrimonious debates over economic policy that had dominated the previous decade. . . The storm was still two decades off, but its headwinds were already blowing fiercely. -- Ted Widmer, Martin Van Buren, page 15.
"Sentient observers." The word sentient is defined by Websters as "able to feel, see, hear, smell, or taste." Last night brought home to me once more something that I already knew from my experiences during my Benedict Arnold period: that we are really dealing with people who are truly, willfully and irretrievably NON-sentient. We inhabit differing world views, different realities, which is why they fall back on calling us names such as "paranoid" and "gun nuts" and "insane." We are, as David Codrea has pointed out, "not of the body" as collectivists see it. (See this video snippet.)
I'm done with being treated like a cartoon character and someone else's strawman. It was evident last night that the other side doesn't even view us as human, because if they did they would have to reconcile that with their own collectivist vision and the two are, in their world view, fundamentally incompatible.
We are not of their body, and we might as well forget arguing about it. The only thing to do when Landru sends his minions for you is to militarily defeat them. That will be my last Colmes Collectivist Cluster Coitus.
Welcome to the club Mike! Now just sit back, relax with a few hundred thousand of your closest buddies, and enjoy the show from the porch. They don't get it. They won't get it. They have no desire to get it.
The State Worshipers are as alien to you as you are to them. You can be among them, but not of them. I have learned to embrace it even though such diversity makes them uncomfortable. Freemen should make the State Worshipers uncomfortable. It is, after all, their rightful place to feel insecure to those who do not have any need for their machinations.
So F 'em all, I says. Pearls before swine and all. Their vacant decadence and willful stupidity will cause them to eat each other. Let them go. Let them eat each other. They need nor want someone to hold back the night. We only need to answer for our tribe.
The hard left progressive collectivists who fear freedom and liberty so much they're prepared to legalize tyranny we will never convert or convince. Out target market so to speak is the middle ground, those able to learn and turn on their reasoning capabilities and process our excellent facts and arguments. Please never let the elite proponents of only a government monopoly on force to discourage or deplete your energy bank because of their mental insanity Mike, and this goes for all those who still love the Founders' Republic! We must continue to make our case to the center and bolster our side too even if we must use their mass media tool to do so.
I was surprised that you got by as good as you did the first time. Colmes is a utter asshole and does not like to have anyone out finesse him, especially someone with your credentials.
I am sure that he spent a lot of time prepping for your little "talk". I find comfort knowing that he will be stuck in NYC when the eaters come out.
Mike you have to get your emotional strength back. There is much work to do. Nonetheless, thank you for the insight. Mike, go back to Co. Springs in your mind for a moment here. You asked me "where did you get this pen?" I didn't answer because there wasn't enough time for a proper answer. If there had been more time, this is what I would have told you: Each pen comes with a short note that reads as follows. (this is not me) These pens are dedicated to my son, SSG Chris Falkel, a member of 3rd SFG (A) on ODA 316, who was killed in action on 8 August 2005 saving the lives of his team. Chris was awarded the Silver Star for his bravery and valor. Chris was called "Junior" by his teammates. Chris was always making things out of bullets, but never got a chance to make a pen out of a bullet--so these are for you, my son.
Over 30% of the sale of every Bullet Pen goes to organizations supporting the Special Forces community such as the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, the Green Beret Foundation and Task Force Dagger Foundation that take care of Chris' brothers and his Special Forces family.
“I'm done with being treated like a cartoon character and someone else's strawman. It was evident last night that the other side doesn't even view us as human, because if they did they would have to reconcile that with their own collectivist vision and the two are, in their world view, fundamentally incompatible.”
Well, honestly Mike, just what did you expect, anyhow?? On any given day, you can go to some of the biggest Lefty websites out there…..The Raw Story, The Huffington Post, MSNBC, etc…… and they are absolutely chock-full of people posting the stupidest, most ludicrous, most dumb-ass comments that you can’t even imagine until you read them. I scroll through them and I continue to be amazed at the level of stupidity that is written with sincere conviction.
“Round all the gun-nuts up and gas them”, “Gun nuts don’t care about kids, only their next gun, they are a danger to society and need to be eliminated”, “The government should use all its might to crush the teabaggers and kill them off, once and for all”. “Baggers, tea-billies and gun nuts are the sub-human scum of the Earth and need to be purged”, Etc etc etc.
We all have those “liberal” family members and friends who are intelligent people, yet appear to be so politically stupid and say the most outlandish things, it boggles the mind.
These people are serious. Since we don’t share a worldview or their politics, they want us all dead. It’s that simple. There is no gray area there.
The Left controls the TV/Print media. They control Hollywood, the entertainment media, the government and academia. For decades now, they have trumpeted the line that if you are not progressive, then you’re a bad person and there’s no place for you in society.
Mike, for a very long time, you have tried….tirelessly…… to talk to these people. You’ve tried to reason with them. You’ve tried to warm them, again and again and again and again….. to no avail. The Left lives in their own false reality, a bubble their own making. They are willingly ignorant and they prefer to stay that way. They think it’s as easy as sending the cops and the federal govt to your house to take your property, and all they have to do is target all the “teabaggers” and then “the gun-madness will stop”.
They think we’re all a bunch of “old, gray-haired, fat white men with small dicks”. I say, let them keep thinking this way. I have abandoned all hope that the two sides can ever be reconciled. And when this thing goes hot, all those Leftist tongue-waggers and comment posters are going to be screaming bloody murder because it’s going to get personal and they won’t know what hit them.
We have tyranny stomping on our heads now and we are entering a very dark period of history. May God help us.
Genocide is what happens when one side starts to think about the "Other" as something less than human. After that point, who cares? After all once we have crossed that particular bridge in our collective minds the "Other" are just cattle or weeds and have it coming.
Let that sink in for a bit and then look at how the talking heads speak about Three Percenters, Tea Baggers, Bitter Clingers and associates. Look at how they lampoon you in the daily comics and late night television. Look at what they have done to your God, your heroes, your morals, your family.
Despised by the despicable ain't so bad. Despise 'em right back. But also understand where this road takes us.
I think you are correct: there are some people who lack the ability to identify dangers the way normal people can. I was convinced by the new work on r/K theory published by Anonynous Conservative that liberals cannot understand conservatives because we actually think differently, almost like a completely alien animal:
Hi Mike, Well, to start, what any-mouse (5:33AM) said, and.......I've written this before, from another post not that long ago but it fits here very well.....
We are "At War" with a segment of society whose goal (among other things) is "Total Civilian Disarmament." We are "NOT" in a Dialog, Debate or healthy Give-and-Take in the University Academic Lounge!! The Primary Weapon used by our "Blood Enemies" is "THE BIG LIE!!!" The Enemy states a "Big Lie!" We run around like decapitated chickens, marshaling our arguments, footnoting our learned responses, bullet pointing our Facts.....and....after the Charade is over,....the Enemy repeats...The Lie!!!! The "Lap Dog Media" repeats it as "TRUTH!"...and..."We Lose Again!"
Again,'really like what any-mouse at 5;33am said. "And" I might add, I ain't jus' sittin' on the Porch and watchin' the 'Show.' I'm puttin' old tin cans on the rack out past the shed, got the radio playin'..."'s just a shot away, yeaeaea.."(Old Mick Jagger tune) "P-O-W!!!!" and another tin can flips up into the air....."Practice..Practice" Smile on and keep reloading. Gunfire! The sound of "Freedom," Carry on, III%, skybill-out
Like talking to a bottle cap.
video - 2:18
Welcome to the club Mike! Now just sit back, relax with a few hundred thousand of your closest buddies, and enjoy the show from the porch. They don't get it. They won't get it. They have no desire to get it.
The State Worshipers are as alien to you as you are to them. You can be among them, but not of them. I have learned to embrace it even though such diversity makes them uncomfortable. Freemen should make the State Worshipers uncomfortable. It is, after all, their rightful place to feel insecure to those who do not have any need for their machinations.
So F 'em all, I says. Pearls before swine and all. Their vacant decadence and willful stupidity will cause them to eat each other. Let them go. Let them eat each other. They need nor want someone to hold back the night. We only need to answer for our tribe.
The hard left progressive collectivists who fear freedom and liberty so much they're prepared to legalize tyranny we will never convert or convince. Out target market so to speak is the middle ground, those able to learn and turn on their reasoning capabilities and process our excellent facts and arguments. Please never let the elite proponents of only a government monopoly on force to discourage or deplete your energy bank because of their mental insanity Mike, and this goes for all those who still love the Founders' Republic! We must continue to make our case to the center and bolster our side too even if we must use their mass media tool to do so.
I was surprised that you got by as good as you did the first time. Colmes is a utter asshole and does not like to have anyone out finesse him, especially someone with your credentials.
I am sure that he spent a lot of time prepping for your little "talk". I find comfort knowing that he will be stuck in NYC when the eaters come out.
I missed the Colmes interview/broadcast. Next time you're going to appear on any program, please tell us in advance when and how to tune in.
- Old Greybeard
Mike you have to get your emotional strength back. There is much work to do. Nonetheless, thank you for the insight.
Mike, go back to Co. Springs in your mind for a moment here.
You asked me "where did you get this pen?" I didn't answer because there wasn't enough time for a proper answer. If there had been more time, this is what I would have told you: Each pen comes with a short note that reads as follows. (this is not me)
These pens are dedicated to my son, SSG Chris Falkel, a member of 3rd SFG (A) on ODA 316, who was killed in action on 8 August 2005 saving the lives of his team. Chris was awarded the Silver Star for his bravery and valor. Chris was called "Junior" by his teammates. Chris was always making things out of bullets, but never got a chance to make a pen out of a bullet--so these are for you, my son.
Over 30% of the sale of every Bullet Pen goes to organizations supporting the Special Forces community such as the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, the Green Beret Foundation and Task Force Dagger Foundation that take care of Chris' brothers and his Special Forces family.
Open carry really drives them all crazy, that's why I like to do it every once and awhile. Good to exercise the right to carry anyway.
“I'm done with being treated like a cartoon character and someone else's strawman. It was evident last night that the other side doesn't even view us as human, because if they did they would have to reconcile that with their own collectivist vision and the two are, in their world view, fundamentally incompatible.”
Well, honestly Mike, just what did you expect, anyhow?? On any given day, you can go to some of the biggest Lefty websites out there…..The Raw Story, The Huffington Post, MSNBC, etc…… and they are absolutely chock-full of people posting the stupidest, most ludicrous, most dumb-ass comments that you can’t even imagine until you read them. I scroll through them and I continue to be amazed at the level of stupidity that is written with sincere conviction.
“Round all the gun-nuts up and gas them”, “Gun nuts don’t care about kids, only their next gun, they are a danger to society and need to be eliminated”, “The government should use all its might to crush the teabaggers and kill them off, once and for all”. “Baggers, tea-billies and gun nuts are the sub-human scum of the Earth and need to be purged”, Etc etc etc.
We all have those “liberal” family members and friends who are intelligent people, yet appear to be so politically stupid and say the most outlandish things, it boggles the mind.
These people are serious. Since we don’t share a worldview or their politics, they want us all dead. It’s that simple. There is no gray area there.
The Left controls the TV/Print media. They control Hollywood, the entertainment media, the government and academia. For decades now, they have trumpeted the line that if you are not progressive, then you’re a bad person and there’s no place for you in society.
Mike, for a very long time, you have tried….tirelessly…… to talk to these people. You’ve tried to reason with them. You’ve tried to warm them, again and again and again and again….. to no avail. The Left lives in their own false reality, a bubble their own making. They are willingly ignorant and they prefer to stay that way. They think it’s as easy as sending the cops and the federal govt to your house to take your property, and all they have to do is target all the “teabaggers” and then “the gun-madness will stop”.
They think we’re all a bunch of “old, gray-haired, fat white men with small dicks”. I say, let them keep thinking this way. I have abandoned all hope that the two sides can ever be reconciled. And when this thing goes hot, all those Leftist tongue-waggers and comment posters are going to be screaming bloody murder because it’s going to get personal and they won’t know what hit them.
We have tyranny stomping on our heads now and we are entering a very dark period of history. May God help us.
Genocide is what happens when one side starts to think about the "Other" as something less than human. After that point, who cares? After all once we have crossed that particular bridge in our collective minds the "Other" are just cattle or weeds and have it coming.
Let that sink in for a bit and then look at how the talking heads speak about Three Percenters, Tea Baggers, Bitter Clingers and associates. Look at how they lampoon you in the daily comics and late night television. Look at what they have done to your God, your heroes, your morals, your family.
Despised by the despicable ain't so bad. Despise 'em right back. But also understand where this road takes us.
I think you are correct: there are some people who lack the ability to identify dangers the way normal people can. I was convinced by the new work on r/K theory published by Anonynous Conservative that liberals cannot understand conservatives because we actually think differently, almost like a completely alien animal:
Hi Mike,
Well, to start, what any-mouse (5:33AM) said, and.......I've written this before, from another post not that long ago but it fits here very well.....
We are "At War" with a segment of society whose goal (among other things) is "Total Civilian Disarmament." We are "NOT" in a Dialog, Debate or healthy Give-and-Take in the University Academic Lounge!! The Primary Weapon used by our "Blood Enemies" is "THE BIG LIE!!!"
The Enemy states a "Big Lie!" We run around like decapitated chickens, marshaling our arguments, footnoting our learned responses, bullet pointing our Facts.....and....after the Charade is over,....the Enemy repeats...The Lie!!!! The "Lap Dog Media" repeats it as "TRUTH!"...and..."We Lose Again!"
Again,'really like what any-mouse at 5;33am said. "And" I might add, I ain't jus' sittin' on the Porch and watchin' the 'Show.' I'm puttin' old tin cans on the rack out past the shed, got the radio playin'..."'s just a shot away, yeaeaea.."(Old Mick Jagger tune) "P-O-W!!!!" and another tin can flips up into the air....."Practice..Practice" Smile on and keep reloading.
Gunfire! The sound of "Freedom,"
Carry on,
We're past the point of talking. Most of those people are satanic, the rest stupefied by evil. If God be for you, who can be against you?
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