Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The common folk strike back. Gun bills return to the Colorado Capitol, but this time from the GOP

Sen. Chris Holbert, R-Parker, believes he can buck conventional wisdom with his bill to repeal the 15-round magazine limit. Unlike the House magazine bill, Holbert has lined up Democratic sponsors for his measure, which has yet to be introduced. The question is whether it will be sent to a House committee with a Democratic supporter so it can be sent to the entire chamber, where Democrats have only a three-seat majority.
And in Texas: Gun debate turns wild in first 2 weeks of Texas Legislature


Anonymous said...

Speaking of gun bills ....


There was a time when I would have called hogwash about what's written there but I watched the NRA do almost exactly the same thing here in my state - acting to kill Constititional carry bills (open and concealed) seems to be a ongoing practice by the NRA.


Anonymous said...


I wonder if everything is interconnected, with the goal of gaining as much wealth, power and control as possible through lies, corruption, and force, at the expense of the people, who are supposed to be the beneficiaries and in charge of their government?

Naaaaaaa, could never happen here....