Just got off the phone with Anthony Bosworth. Trying to get the FBI to understand about the exponential function of the 100 Heads Life Insurance Concept.
I congratulated Anthony on his day today, and urged him to make a complete set of notes of what was said during the five hours that DHS and FBI held him (saying he was under arrest but never Mirandizing him). They did hold onto his weapons and are further holding the prospect of other charges over his head. I was particularly interested that the FBI was particularly interested in talking to Anthony about me. Nice to know I'm living in their heads rent-free as well. (Maybe they can get with Gottlieb and split the cost.) The FBI, it seems, is particularly interested in the national armed civil disobedience movement. It really must flummox them. We don't fit any pattern they've seen recently (not since, I suppose, the Deacons for Defense and Justice) and have no institutional memory (nor, apparently, the native intelligence) to equip them to deal with people who are not criminals in the traditional sense and can't be frightened or blackmailed into becoming snitches. I received another call yesterday to say that the Fibbies are particularly concerned about the concept of the One Hundred Heads Life and Casualty Company. They are, it seems, interested in knowing which particular one hundred heads it refers to. What morons. I don't think they've figured out that it is not merely 100 heads of the tyrannical Mandarin class -- of the warmakers and decision takers -- that are at stake but of some exponential function of 100 heads. Something like the chart below:

Of course, if they don't start nuthin', won't be nuthin', as they say down in the Gate City neighborhood of Birmingham. This, too, I don't think they've figured out. Of course anybody who pays SPLC to fill their head with collectivist lies and calls it an "intelligence briefing" can't be expected to be bright enough to figure that out on their own, I guess. If they were, they wouldn't be threatening folks like Anthony, who surely is insured by the 100 Heads L&C Co. as much as I am.
I suppose if somebody wanted to populate a one hundreds heads list, it wouldn't be too hard. Just watch the news for a while and read some blogs. It would be logical to pick targets in ones sphere of locale... red states being much harder to locate legitimate targets than blue states. Personally, I'm too old and handicapped to be of any real use in any 100 heads operation. But I can train shooters.
The clowns in Gubmint need to learn that the ratio of ONE to ONE HUNDRED means that if One of us is killed by them & their laws that the 100 number means that ALL of their State Senators etc. are living on borrowed time. If One Federale Jack Boot decides to kill one of us then 100 of their Jack Boot buddies (or family members) are on borrowed time. I seriously think they DO NOT understand what will happen to them if they decide to get STUPID.
Nobody's gonna make you a martyr. Or Anthony. Better to pester, hold the guns, release, repeat.
Many of us are insured by the '100 Heads' policy.
Leave it to the gubmint to interfere with something as basic as insurance...
The response to the question of which one hundreds heads is, "Yours, among others."
That's the beauty of the 100 heads policy, the guessing game it causes each potential tyrant to play when counting the cost of there tyranny. The mystery of it enhances its effectiveness.
Anon @ 10:13pm:
No. Not family members. Have you even been paying attention to our host's exhortations?
Anon 10:13: Mikey is right. In fact, had I done a proper job of vetting the comments yours would not have made it. Since by omission it did, I'll let it stand in the understanding that you obviously haven't internalized the The Three Percent Catechism.
Targets are a "dime-a-dozen"..it's (almost) not even sport
Suggest John Ross' "Unintended Consequences". Therein lies a myriad of folks who could conceivably land on the list, based on the "listers" individual life experiences. That would be almost impossible to counter. Needless to say, personally, I would FAR prefer they just go away and leave me, and the rest of you, in peace. Pipe dream? I hope not. Keep poking an animal with a stick....
We need a logo that designates a "100 heads list" member. We can place these things around anonymously mainly in the area of the list member. Something like, their name...and the logo. "Wayward politician's name--4GW100", or something of that sort. Might cause them to reduce or cease their unconstitutional activities knowing they may be on "the list"...who knows.
If you have to ask what 100 heads are on the list, you're probably one of that 100...
Clarification on the "100 heads" list. Only the filthy rich who use their wealth to buy government power over others really need to be on the list. 'George Soros' types comes to mind.
But the ones who get appointed to their positions of power should simply be removed from power permanently, never to be allowed to again work in government as an employee or as a lobbyist. "Lois Lerner" types come to mind. They should loose their public sector jobs, taxpayer funded retirement, healthcare insurance and be reduced to flipping burgers for a living.
In the movie, Brad Pitt's character had a penchant for carving swastikas into the foreheads of certain Nazis he captured. Not a bad idea for today's low level government liberals who have a 'penchant' for using government for attacking citizens because of their political beliefs. Here again, 'Lois Lerner' types come to mind. A big 'L' or a big 'D' carved into their forehead should do the trick, marking them as liberals for the rest of their lives.
One hundred heads is a CONSERVATIVE estimate. You know how inflation is, then you got your taxes, union dues, tariffs, state n'local, next day delivery, knock offs, after market, foreign made,..............
Actually there are less than one hundred thousand targets.
They know this and it's what makes them anxious. The FACT that the threats to our constitution, bill of rights and way of life, of governance, can be so quickly removed.
They fear that overreach and more specifically the REPORTING of that overreach, will spark rebellion that they will be unable to control or extinguish.
Their assessment is correct but it will not correct their or modify their activities, indeed it will likely spread more gasoline to insure ignition.
Marxists lie and if you lie, cheat, steal, arrest, incarcerate, injure or kill for Marxists, you are a Marxist too. Stalin and Hitler had enforcers with badges and guns too. You can bet that these associations have already passed through the minds of those involved in these activities.
They know what they are doing and are prepared to lie to anyone who will listen. If you doubt this, all you have to do is watch the testimony for Waco and research the body of work available, at least for now.
I understand Anthony was cited with "Failure to comply"!
I want one too!
It would look great in my office right next to my American Flag!
Death before slavery!
Comrade X
I always suspect a provocateur when I read someone advocating the killing of family members. Nobody could be that dumb.
BTW, anyone wanting to get an idea how "Hundred Heads" might work, should go over to Joel Simon's blog and get a copy of his two novels, "Walt's Gulch" and "Songs of Bad Men and Good". I put them right up there with "Neither Predator Nor Prey"...
I think we should rename all our cached M855 "Green Tip" and soon hard to find ammo as "politician grade ammo". Stop shooting it up at the range.
This "100 heads" idea is not new. I remember reading that during Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines that of the police forces that enforced his dictatorship, 30 of them a day were being killed, or in other words, the "100 heads life and casualty insurance of the PI" was being paid out about every 3 and 1/3 days. While many of the insurance "enforcers" may have been just as evil as Marcos, I doubt that very few of them were more evil.
Probably affirmative action token hires. You cant expect them to understand math, they probably cant hold a gun and count to 8 at the same time
I just think of the comment Mike's friend made to the Fed. "Why would I when there's plenty of you federal sum itches around here". Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
All we know about the 100 Heads paradigm is this:
"It's a secret!"
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