Thursday, July 1, 2010

Praxis: Resilient Community Organizing

Courtesy of John Robb at Global Guerrillas, we have this this short video on organizing resilient communities. Pay no attention to the lefty politics. Pay attention to the organizing techniques.


Anonymous said...

Well, that settles that.

If you have to move, move. I will be.

There is absolutely no one around me where I live that is worth it.

I am surrounded by lazy worthless eaters.

I show them a video of Body Odor and then one of Allen West and they still do not see.

I'm alone and that isn't good for any patriot.

GeekParallax said...

Washington Times Editorial:"Thomas Jefferson's Reset Button."

Would this even have been concievable 5 years ago? This kind of Op-Ed in a major newspaper, I mean.

Dr. Richard said...

Hippie permaculture activists like this Jan character in the video are closer to us 3%rs than most of us realize. Their biggest weakness is a near pathological fear of weapons. However, they have plenty of good ideas - particularly about things like permaculture, growing food, renewable energy, energy efficiency, rain water harvesting, etc. and real world experience implementing them and making them work. The strength of guys like Jan is that they are do'ers who make, build, and grow things at a local level - unlike the leftist political activists that took over Post Carbon Institute, sacked Julian Darley (its founder and director), killed off the relocalization and local manufacturing programs, and switched the emphasis to global warming (feel good efforts for cap & trade) and getting Obama elected. These activists then purged most of the local groups of the local builder types changing their lifestyles along with most of the Republicans and survivalist types that had been attracted to the relocalization message.

Dennis308 said...

A few of us in my little community are already doing most of the Gardening and we do have a couple of diesel generators and now I´m thinking of producing
Bio-diesel for the fuel.And we are Armed and do a little reloading.
what we need is more people to maintain our perimeter safe but then again maybe not we have not drawn much attention of yet.


aughtsix said...

Dr. Richard,

Very well said, Sir.

As an old "back to the land"er from the 70's, I have witnessed and can completely corroborate your analysis.

The Left looked around, after Vietnam was no longer "their" issue, and saw the "environment" as a fertile field for further encroachments upon Liberty.


Green on the outside,

Red on the inside...

...corrupting everything they touch, as usual.

Al Goreacle, anyone???

Crap and tax?

Thirty plus years to get here but they are a patience lot.

What galls me the most is that the same folks (most of my old friends) who sported "Question Authority" buttons and bumper stickers forty years ago are now the same ones who, or whose philosophical heirs, holler "racist" and "hater" when Obongo is taken to task for his treasonous usurpations.

I am weary. I am growing old. I vacillate between hoping for armed conflict soon (so I can, personally, inflict some Justice upon the Enemy) and hoping to pass this Veil of Tears before I see my Nation crumble.

Long live Liberty!

Refresh the Tree!

Death to Socialism!

Death to Tyranny!

What the Hell are we waiting for?

III more than them said...

"Would this even have been concievable 5 years ago? This kind of Op-Ed in a major newspaper, I mean."

GeekParallax .... I would think not. Even today, it's quite the eye opener. The appearance of this article, along with other unexpected pubs just fuels the fires of expectation that more and more Americans are willing to speak openly about the loss of Liberty. It's a good sign, and a bad one.......