Friday, September 12, 2014

Throwing away the Mandate of Heaven. More self-inflicted wounds to the the already shredded "justice" system.

When Politics Drives Law Enforcement


Anonymous said...

Ultimately, it comes down from the top. Mr. Holder doesn't think he should defend laws he disagrees with either.

Paul X said...

Law enforcement is always political. How could it not be? The people involved are far from being angels.

Anonymous said...

Law is dead. The last place one will find justice is in a courtroom. The last person to administer justice is a Justice (Judge). It will come to pass that only place to find either will be on our streets.

Anonymous said...

The law is not dead.

It's being used by certain people to seize power, freedom and the wealth of others, all the while ensuring that it cannot be used against them for their crimes and TREASONS.

Leaving only one possible outcome, which they now believe they can win, with more lies and backing everything up with bullets and "at least I got a job" trigger pullers.