Wednesday, December 9, 2015

David Codrea: "HuffPo Academic Invites Civil War with American Gun Owners."

“[P]rogressives may as well go for the big enchilada: Call for domestic disarmament,” Etzioni demands. “[W]e may have to get to domestic disarmament through the back door.”
Codrea responds:
"Get this, you monstrous foreign collectivist, who came to this country to escape Nazi horrors and enjoy the Blessings of Liberty: How twisted and evil that you now work to undermine the very reasons why the Holocaust your family fled from will never happen here, at least without those issuing and carrying out the orders hanging from lamp posts. Because WE WILL NOT DISARM."


Anonymous said...

Etzioni received this response to his call for "domestic disarmament" back in 1997.

Anonymous said...

It's a bit like the Californians fleeing their state for Idaho and Colorado, but bringing with them all the Progressive politics, trying to turn Idaho and Colorado into duplicates of California. It's a total lack of understanding of cause and effect, and it's a perfect example of why we have the right to control our borders. Likewise, there are those who say that Southern Idaho is a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family...except for all those Mormons! Can you say, "DERRRRRR!" -- Lyle

Anonymous said...

Not only will we not disarm, we will upgrade to full auto. After all, should they make the ownership of all guns illegal, why own only semi-automatics? The irony to the gun controllers is that those who were compliant through decades of incremental insidious regulations are suddenly off the hook should they ever cross that final anti-constitutional Rubicon. Like shotguns? Why not own a street-sweeper?

Then it's time to wait and prepare. Should they hunker down and give us our Lexington, we give them their Concord.

udaman said...

A "Huff Po Academic"? A larger oxymoron does not exist.