Saturday, December 19, 2015

The dirty GOP sellout bastards . . .

"Gun control in GOP-passed budget, cheers Bloomberg group."
An anti-gun group applauded the GOP approved $1.8 trillion end-of-the-year spending bill and tax package Saturday, claiming that it will boost gun control efforts and expand background checks. "The final version of the funding bill demonstrates the steady progress we are seeing to reduce gun violence in this country," said Everytown for Gun Safety. The group said increased law enforcement spending will help limit gun violence, President Obama's top agenda item in his last year in office. Everytown is backed by Bloomberg, who started Mayors Against Illegal Guns while mayor of New York.


Uncle Elmo said...

MORE MONEY FOR EVERYBODY!!! Including funding more studies on gun violence.

Gee, I wonder what conclusions they'll come to. I'm sure they'll be every bit as objective as the government-funded studies regarding climate change/anthropogenic global warming have been.

Bill Lorton said...

That was a hell of a gut-check until I actually read the article, Mike. I was relieved that it was only a budgetary increase...but any money for those folks is a misappropriation of tax dollars in my opinion. As far as the GOP betrayal issue...I didn't trust them back when I voted Democrat, and I don't trust them now that I consider myself a to-the-core Libertarian. I find it hard to believe that there is a single federal politician that has the interests of us Citizens at heart. All we can do is push back when bullied, tell anyone with ears our position, and stock the larders deep.

Anonymous said...

So let me see if i get this. If you're out in the middle of the woods, will they send an FAA guy out there, in the middle of nowhere, to hunt for the guy flying a small hobby drone? Sounds like a great way for some bureaucrat to go missing---

Anonymous said...

The GOP , The Siamese Twin of the DNC

Anonymous said...

"It also cheered the removal of a proposal to sell surplus military guns."

What the hell does that mean?