Thursday, December 24, 2015

Preparing the battlespace for a race war of extermination: "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it."

Collectivist "intellectual" demands: "For 500 years, they've exploited their fellow man and plundered the planet. It's time they reign themselves in." Of course the logical conclusion to this is that if we don't "reign ourselves in" somebody is going to rein us in for the good of the borg. May I remind this anal sphincter of something I told a "Black Lives Matter" supporter:
"And I'll tell you something else . . . when I see these black racists of Farrakhan's bunch talking about wanting a race war I'd say they haven't looked at how the numbers stack up. Because let me tell you something about white folks at their worst. When they get scared that people are trying to kill them just because of who they are, when they get pissed off along racial lines, they don't tear up their own neighborhoods or burn down their own communities like y'all do. They come to the neighborhoods of the people who threaten them and burn THEIR communities down and kill THEM. They have burned down whole CONTINENTS. And if you don't believe me, just ask the Indians. So before you wear a slogan like THAT," (and I pointed at his shirt), "you'd better think this sh-t through."


Ed said...

I suggest that the author reads Thomas Sowell's 1999 book "Conquests and Culture: an International History" to learn that the majority of slaves in history have been white, not black.

Slave? Where does that word come from?

The notable phrase is "because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples." Those "conquering peoples" being the Ottoman Turks.

Even among our American heritage you will discover that many here in North America first came here as "indentured servants", a term-limited form of slavery:

Anonymous said...

As a person who normally tries to get along with people, unless they or their friends are advocating violence toward me and mine, I have to say that black "leaders" have not been doing their people any favors recently.
They have been tearing down the accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr. just as fast as they can, resulting in the worst state of race relations in over 50 years, and getting worse every day.
Thanks Obama, Sharpton and Ferra-con !

PO'd American said...

"So before you wear a slogan like THAT," (and I pointed at his shirt), "you'd better think this sh-t through."

Mike, I think you just illuminated this issue....they don't now nor have they ever thought for themselves. Too bad for them.

Anonymous said...

In General we didnt intentionally kill off the Indians.
Our unclean and infected Bodies did that for us.
More Indians were killed outright by the Lakota during their expansion than by the white man during his.
Read up on Frey Gaspar's writings on the initial trip down the amazon. He said the river was so densely populated that you could walk across the river at its widest point from boat to boat. He also described cities which were never found until recently which were metropolis's of many 10's of thousands of people. which 15 years later on another trip were reported as ghost cities and the river empty of people then lost until air travel developed.
about the white mans will to kill. In general it is a cultural not race oriented condition. Unfortunately the whiteman has spread this culture around the world to every race and population. Any race war will be horrible on all sides.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me that no one told this little special snowflake social justice warrior that he is just three meals away from becoming a meal himself from the same people he claims to champion. Being a Christian man, I try not to delight at the hubris (or willful stupidity) of the people who wish me harm, but in certain cases, instant karma is of particular satisfaction. Lay down with racial identity politic dogs and you are bound to get fleas.

Pat H. said...

You may not want to think about race, but race is thinking about you.

For dinner.

Anonymous said...

No comments over there. I would be invited to kill myself, as they alway do to thoughtful disagreers.

Ben Carson is a White Man? rlly? They occupy a different reality from observant people.

Dr. Carson is as reasonable as Mr. Trump, at least. Pigment no-matter.

Anonymous said...

RE: "you'd better think this sh-t through." Do you think they really smart enough to think anything through?

Anonymous said...

Masterful words, Mike. Thank you for relating the story - it deserves wider dissemination. I will do my own small part to do so...

Christmas Blessings to you and your family!

Woodcanoe said...

Frank Joyce has been a long time union labor activist in.........Detroit, MI.

Now, as Paul Harvey used to say....."you know the rest of the story".

Those on his side who are promoting a "race war" have no idea what kind of mayhem they may loose upon their believers. Rev Martin Luther King did a lot of great humanitarian work.

In less than two terms in the White House, Obama has destroyed it all.....and made matters worse than they were before. Dr King would be ashamed of Obama's shameless racism!


Anonymous said...

Sean, it is communism ugly underbelly, just like always.
Like the show survivor so perfectly demonstrated, the weak always band together against the strong to "vote them off the island" because they are a "threat". I watched with amazement as the many would vote together to oust the one who was working hard to gather firewood, or more puzzling the one who would gather real food!

Rather than celebrate the life giving and sustaining providers, they would view them and treat them as a problem - just to soothe their own guilt over laziness and ignorance. They cut of their own nose to spite their own face.

This race war factor is no different. The funniest part is that the white liberals who foment it will be the first casualties of it, as they are unarmed and incapable of violating their own anti self defense core values. They are also nearest the inner city folk they stir up, gated communities will be shown to be pathetic "safety" measures almost instantly.

The ones I feel the most sorry for are the ones who will be conned into starting it. Inner city black folks who have never been 20 blocks from home, who think the whole country looks like their neck of the woods have a rude awakening coming when 1) they venture outside their hood 2) free food trucks stop making deliveries 3)Everything that can be looted and stolen is looted and stolen 4) burned out stores are not rebuilt or restocked 5) They have a significant moment of insight, figuring out how hoodwinked they were when the black folk and white folk who have some sense arrive together to exterminate not based on skin color, but instead based on content of character.

White collectivist controllers fear black folks and white folks looking past color to character. They fear losing that skin color tool used to divide and conquer.

As gun controllers are finally out in the open, so too are the racist pukes. They it is 'their time" and they are emboldened to the point of abject idiocy. But please know this about the article in question here. This is written by a fool, edited by a fool and published by a fool. It is absolute click bait written with one thing in mind - clickbait. Ad clicks. Selling controversy itself and fabricating it to sell. Someday soon, they will be shocked to find out that choices really do have consequences. And then it will be too late. It will be on like donkey kong and many will die as a result of their greed.

The only positive thing to come of it is that it will create an environment where people learn what real respect is. Earned. They will also learn, finally, that personal accountability really does matter.

I would not harm a person because of their skin color but I would absolutely kill them where they stand, without a second thought, if they try to harm me and my family because we are white. Race baiters had better consider just how many white boys think exactly the way I do. Notice please that skin color does not matter to folks like me, folks who think like me. White liberals, you better take notice - if you choose to lead, foment and egg on a race war, you will find that those of us fed up with your race baiting understand that top leadership is an instant and valid target.

Let this clickbait here be a turning point, where you finally understand that your inequality desires, you usurpation goals themselves, have led you down a deadly path. More importantly how close to your destination you really are - and that your map did not take your where you thought it would.

Anonymous said...

If only they had read this and taken it to heart:

"At least once every human should have to run for his life, to teach him that milk does not come from supermarkets, that safety does not come from policemen, that “news” is not something that happens to other people. He might learn how his ancestors lived and that he himself is no different – in the crunch his life depends on his agility, alertness, and personal resourcefulness."
– Robert A. Heinlein

Anonymous said...

‘White Men Must Be Stopped’ Says Salon Magazine

johnnyreb said...

I would not harm a person because of their skin color but I would absolutely kill them where they stand, without a second thought, if they try to harm me and my family because we are white. Race baiters had better consider just how many white boys think exactly the way I do. Notice please that skin color does not matter to folks like me, folks who think like me. White liberals, you better take notice - if you choose to lead, foment and egg on a race war, you will find that those of us fed up with your race baiting understand that top leadership is an instant and valid target.

Let this clickbait here be a turning point, where you finally understand that your inequality desires, you usurpation goals themselves, have led you down a deadly path. More importantly how close to your destination you really are - and that your map did not take your where you thought it would.


Hutch said...

I don't understand this part "Admittedly, this encouraging development is hardly the dominant view. To the contrary, given the possibility that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson or one of their ilk might become president, white supremacist ideology seems to be digging in harder than ever."

A White guy , Hispanic ,and Black guy....? All white supremacist because they are republicans?

I guess we know part of their campaign strategy going forward.
