Do you really need to keep posting more reasons why no sane people should ever live in the State of Commiefornia? And....why do the urnialists keep making the distinction between Dumos and Repubs when there isn't any?
The one beneficial aspect I see here in such a move is the "go ahead and make my day" attitude. The grabbers always claim they want safety via confiscation and other garbage like background checks etc. They have now finally grasped the impact of heller and now use mental defective and felon like they used collective right and militia arguments. It's like they think those two supposedly narrow avenues allow their gun control. Ahem - tossing a cigarette butt out your car window is now a FELONY in at least one state).
Either we are witnessing more democrats with (R) behind their name or we are witnessing a chiding of the embattled AG, daring her to practice what she preaches. Personally, I think this is a positive development either way. Exposing true colors is a good thing regardless of which entity is exposed as evil gun grabbers.
I live in a district in Northern California that has Republican representation in both the State Senate and Assembly. These people are NOT conservative. In a recent seminar, both of my representatives uttered statements in support of climate change- they're down for the struggle. It seems to be a trend. I think they feel a need to sound compromising, even on issues, such as gun rights, that should not be compromised. There are very few true conservatives in the state house, but unfortunately not enough to make a difference.
So, do you really think criminals and mentally-ill people should be allowed to have guns? I know it depends on who is judging that a person is mentally ill, as to whether I would want a person to be called "mentally ill".
@PO'd: "Do you really need to keep posting more reasons why no sane people should ever live in the State of Commiefornia?"
There are a large number of sane people in the People's Republic. Unfortunately, they don't have much say in what goes on. The crazies in the Bay Area make the decisions.
@Anonymous: "News flash to those on the left coast: The Libs control your states BECAUSE YOUR NEIGHBORS WANTED FREE STUFF!!!!!!"
Not exactly - the people with the power don't want free shit, they want to give out free shit. The Libs control California because the patricians don't want to live or interact with the plebians. Thus, they vote for all matter of panem et circenses to keep the mob quiet and ghettoized, thus allowing the elite to live their idyllic lives (and keep the working class at the edge of ruin, preventing them from moving up and joining the rich in their reindeer games).
Jimmy the you're the conservative in kommiefornia that I've always heard existed. Get out while you still can and go to a place where your good soul is appreciated. Go East young man, go east.
When a citizen "felon" has paid his/her "debt" to the Republic, all God given rights should be returned and the citizen should be held in good standing...period. III/0317
VIDEO: Military Helicopters Descend over Central Texas for Mass Civil Unrest Drill
Do you really need to keep posting more reasons why no sane people should ever live in the State of Commiefornia? And....why do the urnialists keep making the distinction between Dumos and Repubs when there isn't any?
The one beneficial aspect I see here in such a move is the "go ahead and make my day" attitude. The grabbers always claim they want safety via confiscation and other garbage like background checks etc. They have now finally grasped the impact of heller and now use mental defective and felon like they used collective right and militia arguments. It's like they think those two supposedly narrow avenues allow their gun control. Ahem - tossing a cigarette butt out your car window is now a FELONY in at least one state).
Either we are witnessing more democrats with (R) behind their name or we are witnessing a chiding of the embattled AG, daring her to practice what she preaches. Personally, I think this is a positive development either way. Exposing true colors is a good thing regardless of which entity is exposed as evil gun grabbers.
I live in a district in Northern California that has Republican representation in both the State Senate and Assembly. These people are NOT conservative. In a recent seminar, both of my representatives uttered statements in support of climate change- they're down for the struggle.
It seems to be a trend. I think they feel a need to sound compromising, even on issues, such as gun rights, that should not be compromised.
There are very few true conservatives in the state house, but unfortunately not enough to make a difference.
So, do you really think criminals and mentally-ill people should be allowed to have guns? I know it depends on who is judging that a person is mentally ill, as to whether I would want a person to be called "mentally ill".
Forcing the AG to do her job may be a case similar to you wanting the powers that be in Conn. and NY enforce the law and suffer the consequences.
One commenter blamed California's mess on liberal politicians. As if liberal politicians were put in office by the tooth fairy.
News flash to those on the left coast: The Libs control your states BECAUSE YOUR NEIGHBORS WANTED FREE STUFF!!!!!!
@PO'd: "Do you really need to keep posting more reasons why no sane people should ever live in the State of Commiefornia?"
There are a large number of sane people in the People's Republic. Unfortunately, they don't have much say in what goes on. The crazies in the Bay Area make the decisions.
@Anonymous: "News flash to those on the left coast: The Libs control your states BECAUSE YOUR NEIGHBORS WANTED FREE STUFF!!!!!!"
Not exactly - the people with the power don't want free shit, they want to give out free shit. The Libs control California because the patricians don't want to live or interact with the plebians. Thus, they vote for all matter of panem et circenses to keep the mob quiet and ghettoized, thus allowing the elite to live their idyllic lives (and keep the working class at the edge of ruin, preventing them from moving up and joining the rich in their reindeer games).
Jimmy the you're the conservative in kommiefornia that I've always heard existed. Get out while you still can and go to a place where your good soul is appreciated. Go East young man, go east.
March 27, 2015 at 8:17 AM
When a citizen "felon" has paid his/her "debt" to the Republic, all God given rights should be returned and the citizen should be held in good standing...period.
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