Remember that $15 grab bag from last weekend's gunshow?
I mentioned it here. Well, I've gotten around to unpacking my plunder and separating out the dross from the gold in the hardware and parts and found this nugget, brand new. It is a Lyman 17 AHB front sight. Not bad, eh?
BTW, the .35 S&W Auto pistol cartridges (quantity 3, see list at above link) in the same bag are worth at least $5 a piece. So when you see what looks like a bag of miscellaneous scrap on a table at a gun show or flea market, give it a glance. Thar's gold in them thar baggies.
Some time back, Numerich arms had grab bags of pins, springs and misc. parts. I would try to buy one of each every time I ordered parts. I got a lot of junk that I will never use, but I also got some real gems. I try to watch for that kind of thing at the gun shows.
"Miscelaneous" and "Box of Sunries" always have great attraction at auctions and table sales!
Kiwi III
That sight takes me back to my NRA Highpower days. I had cobbled one onto the front of my '03-A3.
Reminds me of the front sight on
an old Mossberg Model 46M I had years ago. It had two different length front sight posts and a ring. They would fold down to the right. Great sight.
Saw a Lyman tang site a while back that had a price on it of $125.00. Great add on sight for a high powered rifle.
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