Friday, September 13, 2013

Thrift store harvest.

On a stop yesterday, I found the following volumes which will be added to the Dan Forrester Memorial Library:
The ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture: An Encyclopedia Pertaining to the Scientific and Practical Culture of Honey Bees in hardcover by Amos Ives Root (1947 Edition). Cost $.99.
Seeds: The Yearbook of Agriculture, by the USDA, 1961 Cost $.79.
Solar Thermal Engineering: Space Heating and Hot Water Systems by Peter J. Lunde (1980, Hardcover). Cost: $.59.
Basic geology for science and engineering, hardcover, by Edward C Dapples, 1973. Cost: $.39.


AJ said...

Good titles. I love thriftstores and yardsales myself. It's the hunt.

Anonymous said...

I like the yearbooks of Ag., from the USDA. Each one covers a diff. topic.
Don't know if they still come out with them. But you can find them in Used Bookstores.

Taxpayer money well spent, IMHO.

Paul X said...

Ah, I studied my copy of ABC and XYZ of Beekeeping back in my beekeeping days, a great resource and a classic.

Anonymous said...

One of my neighbors used to have a couple of bee hives in his back yard. Odd that he never had a problem with prowlers with those two hives close by. Didn't have any ATF come visit either. I guess one could say that having bee hives helps keep out the Riff-Raff.