Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tell me again how a single armed man in a mass shooting can't make a difference.

Ex Royal Marine with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok.


MamaLiberty said...

And, of course, just think how much more different the outcome if even 1% of the REST of the people there had been armed and able/willing to defend themselves rationally...

Does anyone really think this would play out the same in a place like Texas or Wyoming?

Anonymous said...

Terrorism is the deliberate targeting of civilians in order to bring pressure on a government to change its policies. As an example, the targeting of British barracks in Northern Ireland by the IRA was not terrorism in the classic sense.

A by product of this is that true terrorists rarely strike armed targets. They're looking for civilian casualties in large numbers, not a stand up fight.

If the people in the mall had been known to be armed, al shabaab would have attacked elsewhere.

gunnyg said...

"A good guy with a gun." NRA