Friday, September 13, 2013

The Epic Meltdown of the Gun-Grabbers

The problem for the gun-grabbers wasn't that the voters were uninformed. It was that they were (SET ITAL) too (END ITAL) informed. Voters paid close attention when state Democrats rigged the game during the legislative debate over extreme gun and ammo restrictions that will do nothing to stop the next Aurora, Columbine or Newtown. They watched fellow citizens being blocked from testifying, pushed aside for out-of-staters. They heard Morse accuse gun owners of having a "sickness in their souls." They heard him brag to liberal zealots that he was ignoring their "vile" e-mail.


SWIFT said...

Former state senator Morse is broadcasting the old sour grapes excuses. Too many years eating good food at the public trough has spoiled the sack of shit.

Anonymous said...

The Denver post smacks down the voter suppression lie

Anonymous said...

Anybody but me also notice that after the vote firing these two turds Colorado especially the Bolder area was hit with what is being called by even the atheist at MSDNC as a flood of biblical porportions. I wonder how many of these folks will put two and two together and see that somebody other then voters are unhappy with their choice of left wing America hating Marxists and this is just a reminder that there is more work to be done. Can you say "Fire Hickenlooper."
And then there is New Jersey. What to say about that. Sandy and now a big fire on the board walk. Again, a wake up that few will equate with their wicked ways and following evil with evil.