Thursday, June 3, 2010

Are Cameras the New Guns?

More than a few cops apparently think so.


J. Croft said...

Advice: have two cameras, buy one of those spy cameras or hang back and use one of the new HDSLRs with a telephoto lens and "rifle" microphone-they're easy to make just go to and look it up there.

Have more than one escape route and option, the oath traitors don't like it when they get caught in the act-just like any other criminal.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that they think it can be stopped. It can't. Who watches the watchmen? A surveillance society works both ways.

Dennis308 said...

Mike, is it time yet. We are in the WROL stage the Police and the Courts have turned on the Citizenry, just like the Administration and both Houses of the Legislation.
It sure as Hell looks like it´s time to me.If you can´t have a FAIR trial you can´t even have evidence to present in your defence,then what the heck, might as well take as many as you can with you right. I mean why not what does someone have to lose.
Still waiting not so patiently anymore.


Anonymous said...

No wonder. Tyranny, corruption and abuse hate the light of exposure and public scrutiny.

rexxhead said...

More proof (as if more were actually needed) that there are no good cops.

We have more than sufficient evidence that there are bad cops.

If there were good cops, goons like this would be found face down in ditches with a little hole in the back and a big hole in the front.

We don't hear any stories like that.



Anonymous said...

Film the pigs. Do it discretely and overtly. Then anonymously post their atrocities on youtube. Sent the best highlights to the media. If the US media will not play the clips, Al Jazeera, Russia Today, or Press TV might.

One of these days, the police state thugs are going to go to far. They cannot supress the signal and the more they try, the more of the population they alienate. In the end, it will be their downfall.

Think 4th gen warfare media strategies.

Longbow said...

Where are all those "good guys who mean well and just want to do the right thing"?

I keep hearing about them. They must exist somewhere.

Funny thing is, each time I see Law Imposement Officers behaving like thugs, bullies and gangsters, I don't hear any voices of condemnation from those "really good guys who mean well and just want to do the right thing".

I hear not even the meekest voice of distaste for bullying, and thuggery. In fact, I see the opposite. I see Law Imposement personnel reveling in their power to abuse, injure, and terrorize.

Those of you in Law Imposement who believe that your Super-Hero Costume and your Magic Shield make you impervious to wrong-doing need to remember this: your authority comes from the consent of the populace. For now, the citizenry will tolerate you and grumble. Soon, they will withdraw their consent. Just before that time, as tensions rise, and animosity increases between yourselves and the mere mortals, you know, "civilians", upon whom you tread, you might ask yourself why you are hated and loathed. If it occurs to you to ask, look in the mirror. There is where you will find your answer.

The rest of us should activate the Liberty Bell system. Each time there is an incident such as the SAWTing of a neighborhood home, mobile phones should be ringing all over the neighborhood and the city. A hundred people should show up with a handy-cam or a cell phone cam, or at least a still camera. That way, there will be another side to the story to tell, besides the "official" version. It takes commitment on behalf of Citizens. It takes moral courage. I ask you, and you might ask yourself very soon, what do you have to lose?

One last thought: If the laws imposed are unjust, you as citizens, and as JURORS, have full authority to nullify them.

Alvie D. Zane said...

Photography is not a crime. A great statement and a good blog site as well.

This isn't about photography though. It's about trying to monopolize something. Whether it be guns, or photography, or freedom, or chemistry, or healthcare, or energy, or security, or the internet, or the press, or your phone lines, or your cell phone, or the very molecules of air you breathe, there's a group of people out there who want to be the . . .dare I say it?, Only Ones who are allowed to control it.

monkeyfan said...

Whoever gets footage of the thugocrats in action need just open a video upload account from an internet cafe using a throwaway email and stick it to 'em.

Word Verification: "coozenu"
A padded sleeve scientologists use yo keep their bottle water cold with.

Dakota said...

Funny how that works .... it is OK to film those "dirt bag" citizens for use against them in court. It isn't OK to film your assault on liberty to present in your defense.

We are "VERY" close.

Anonymous said...

I like how we've gotten to the point it is illegal to film a public official doing bad things in public. You are double protected by law (not that that means much nowadays) from filming that.

We're getting pretty close to a Soviet/Nazi/Eastern Bloc style secret police at this point.

AK State Trooper Lover said...

May 13, 2010

Traffic stop, Alaska State Trooper tweaks because he is being recorded.

J. Croft said...

"The rest of us should activate the Liberty Bell system. Each time there is an incident such as the SAWTing of a neighborhood home, mobile phones should be ringing all over the neighborhood and the city. A hundred people should show up with a handy-cam or a cell phone cam, or at least a still camera. That way, there will be another side to the story to tell, besides the "official" version. It takes commitment on behalf of Citizens. It takes moral courage. I ask you, and you might ask yourself very soon, what do you have to lose?"

Good advice! Just have to do it in neighborhoods that see things for the way they are. People who are awake and willing to actually participate. For the average 'murkan that's a HUGE gulf to cross from the BS fog they're in. ...Of course they're a SWAT raid away from waking up...

Jimmy the Saint said...

But the police are still on "our" side, right?

I was brought up to believe that police were right and good. Sure, there were a small number who abused their position, but the rest were our very best. Another childhood illusion destroyed over the years, sadly.