Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Your tax dollars at work.

Bankrolling infanticide.


Wyn Boniface said...

Die Neu Auschwitz got new rails today I see. This is what I point to when somebody says they do not want to harm or kill us.

Anonymous said...

This article does not address the 45 million given PP by apostates Bill and Melinda Gates several years ago, the 15 million given by Warren Buffet in the same year, the "charitable" donations from 7000,000 individual supporters, and the fact that nearly every Hollywood freak and wannabe philanthropist organization in the world literally throws more billions their way. Plus the revenue they claim to generate on their own. In the 07–08 Annual Report, clinic income totaled $374.7 million and miscellaneous operating revenues $68.9 million.

In 2004 Karen Pearl, their top exec earned $454,000 annually. As outrageous as that is, it doesn't explain being billions in the red. The babykillers don't pay their volunteers and in many cases don't even make their rent each month. I doubt anyone in PP is getting their hands on it but who is? The Demokratik Party? Other population control psychos who can't get funding otherwise? The UN? A third world power? A third world religion? Wonder who is REALLY being bankrolled?

Anonymous said...

One more organization I wouldn't mind seeing tank.

Dennis308 said...

But didn´t the Kenyan Leader just sign a Executive ORDER that FEDERAL MONIES could not be used for Abortions....HA! Hope nobody Believed That One.
