Sunday, October 13, 2013

Gun shows as the last bastion of a free people.

Hope to see you at the AGCA show today. Raised about thirty bucks yesterday. Pretty pitiful really. Hope to do better today. In any case I enjoy being at one of the last gatherings of free Americans you can still find in this country.
You know, the other day MSNBC collectivist harridan Mika Brzezinski caused a stir by declaring that Ted Cruz "doesn't love the country." This is both false and true. Ted Cruz, I am certain, loves HIS country. The thing is, he doesn't love Mika's country. We are in fact two countries now, divided along the irreconcilable fault line of who serves whom. Do the people serve the government? Or should the government serve the people? In Mika's country the individual serves the collective. Not in Ted Cruz's country, not in my country and not in the country of the folks at the gun show. One day we will decide which country we are to be, and it won't be decided by argument, or an election, or by anything else other than a resort to arms. Our determination to remain free is at least as great as -- and I believe greater than -- their desire to subordinate our individuality to their collectivist appetites. Until that time of bloody decision, in the last interval of peacetime, I revel in the fact that gun shows are one of the last bastions of a free people.
Hope to see you there.


Frederick H Watkins said...

Eventually they will be underground events.

Anonymous said...

You make a good point about there being two countries, or rather two peoples. Even people with wildly different beliefs and ways of life can get along if they agree to live by a very few fundamental precepts:

1) Don't initiate or threaten to initiate force or fraud against another person or their property. Use force only in self defense.

2) Make good on your promises.

3) If you accidentally physically injure someone or damage their property, do what you can to make them whole again.

On the other hand, if some people follow these rules and others consider them "anachronistic," "inflexible," "racist," etc., and refuse to abide by them, civil war is inevitable.

countenance said...

You know, the other day MSNBC collectivist harridan Mika Brzezinski caused a stir by declaring that Ted Cruz "doesn't love the country."

She "caused a stir," i.e. she said something insane and provocative just to draw ratings and draw attention to herself. Don't reward pure shock value nut talk by paying it attention.

Anonymous said...


Ignoring what Team Blue is saying is willful ignorance. They telegraph everything they do. It would be foolish to ignore people who beg, politic and campaign to devest you of your rights, money and way of life.

Anonymous said...

I must have missed a post; what are you raising money for?


Dutchman6 said...

For the trip to San Antonio later this week.