Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tell me again what a wonderful thing open borders are.

"Illegals Swarm In — Dallas Transformed"


Black Rifle said...

which is why all these companies moving to the "free" state of texas are gonna be sorry in less than 10 years, once all these "il"legals are made legal. they all should have moved to wyoming or utah.

Kent McManigal said...

Tell me again how you can have closed borders while still obeying the Constitution (which doesn't permit them) and without a powerful federal government able, and inclined, to do all the anti-liberty violations you oppose.

I'm all for shooting thugs and thieves (regardless of where they were born or which government claims the authority to "tax" them), I just don't see how the "crime" of ignoring counterfeit "laws" (anti-immigration "laws" or anti-gun "laws") automatically makes someone bad.

Kent McManigal said...

Also, don't ignore the fact that anti-immigration "laws" are selecting for bad guys.

Anonymous said...

That was difficult to read. Well written, but like a story that we know is not going to end well.

In the mid to late 70's Dallas was prosperous and clean. A very lovely city to visit. Friendly like Texas has always been.

That report was not the Dallas I remember. Multiculturalism, especially as it's related to the exploding hispanic populations in every major city is quite alarming. More so than the Irish and Italian immigrations. The Irish and Italians quickly embraced America. Hell, even the recent influx of Southern European immigrants have embraced America and raised their children to be Americans and are rejecting the creeping communist indoctrination of the Obama regime.

But the hispanic culture, encouraged and emboldened now by the financially wounded Catholic church, is creating the demise of what was a uniquely American culture in exchange for a temporary respite from conflict, corruption and oppression in Mexico.

If we are to keep our Republic, we must find a means to resist the coming onslaught. If we succumb, we can only look forward to more poverty, corruption and government oppression --which will be the inevitable result of lawlessness and the rejection of our American values for independence and liberty.

rexxhead said...

I just came off a software contract in North Dallas -- Addison, to be precise -- and I lived in Farmers Branch. Oddly, I don't see the problem this author is so worked up over.

Yes, Dallas has a significant Hispanic flavor with which long-time residents have grown comfortable. Yes, it may be true that there is an influx of illegal immigrants, but the solution may not be what he proposes.

I have long held that we do not have as much an 'illegal immigration' problem as we have a 'welfare problem'. Solving the I-I problem is treating the symptom and we all know what happens next -- the problem reappears in a worse form. This is 'ask the wrong question -- get the wrong answer' at its peak.

If we were to solve the welfare problem, who here would give a rat's patoot over 'illegal immigrants'? Probably none or, at worst, very few.

We have to keep our eye on the ball here, or we have no chance of catching it.

parabarbarian said...

To cure the illegal immigrant "problem" means first asking why they come here. To work? Frankly, I really don't care if the guy trimming my trees is from Mexico. How about welfare opportunities or to service the American appetite for illegal drugs? Those are both problems created wholly by different factions of the state. It seems to me that the real problem is both ends of the left-right spectrum are invested in attracting the wrong kinds of immigrants. Liberals don't care and until conservatives get their integrity out of the lock box and face those issue squarely they are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

The authors view of the "deteriorating conditions around Dallas has nothing to do with open borders.

It has everything to do with the social safety net system.

Mike, you clearly do not understand open border policy.
