Saturday, September 7, 2013

Warning for casual visitors to the District of Criminals, Mordor-on-the-Potomac. A single piece of spent brass will get you busted.

D.C. cops under orders to arrest tourists with empty bullet casings
Washington police are operating under orders to arrest tourists and other non-residents traveling with spent bullet or shotgun casings, a crime that carries a $1,000 fine, a year in jail and a criminal record, according to a new book about the city's confusing gun laws.


John said...

I would think about disposing of some spent brass (100's of course) as I motor along viewing the capital and other scenic vistas. They would have to send a police response to pick it all up as a ordinary citizen could not touch it. Ought to keep them busy.

Yank lll said...

DC needs to be made an example off what not to be or do.

They are openly flaunting their illegality through police abuse which automatically makes the police and anyone who enforces those acts criminals and responsible individually, not that they care. The willingness of the political element to violate the rights of citizens and the blatant criminality of the elected political group presently inhabiting public property demonstrates the corrupt and illegal manner in which they serve and the need to remove them from the people's service.

For starters.. anyone who considers this a threat to liberty should boycott that sewer from cabbies and truck drives to anyone employed in that cesspit.
Tarring and feathering of a few perpetrators whouldn't hurt either.. seeing them tied bare assed to Lincolns leg would be fitting.

Yank lll

Anonymous said...

Maryland and Virginia were persuaded 200 years ago to give up portions of their land to create a national capitol. Their noble idea was that the national capitol would not be under the thumb of any state. It was to be controlled by the national government alone. Instead, under the misguided notion of home rule, it has been allowed to become some kind of city-state cabal far worse than control of any state. DC home rule should be revoked, with control solely by the federal government. No person should be a resident or citizen of DC. The people who reside there should be solely foreigners (like ambassadors), the president, senators and representatives (who maintain status as citizens of the states that elected them). No other persons should be allowed to reside in DC, nor should any person be a "citizen" of DC. The very idea is an abomination.

Anonymous said...

Casual visitors? Try this one on!

My father-in-law was a retired USAF O6. When he was interred in Arlington, part of the ceremony was a gun salute performed by a USAF color guard. At the close of the ceremony the NCO in charge of the firing party presented my 5 year old son with the spent 7.62mm NATO blanks. We then returned to our hotel rooms at the Crystal City Marriot. At no point on the Metro trip from Arlington VA. to our lodging in DC was there any notice that my son was committing a felony.

The inmates are most definitely in charge of the asylum.

Paul X said...

"The inmates are most definitely in charge of the asylum."

The same folks who are running the whole country! It all would look like DC if they had their 'druthers.