Thursday, September 12, 2013

Colorado recall election debunks 'elections go to the highest bidder' myth

National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea correctly notes that gun rights advocates now know the power they can wield in the form of old-fashioned grassroots activism. A perhaps just as important lesson has been sent to, and hopefully received by, every politician who might be tempted to vote against the people's Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms: we will come for you, and even Bloomberg may not have enough millions to save you. And remember, if you go far enough, there are fates far worse than ignominious electoral defeat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when the folks lead themselves in defense of their own rights instead of "letting the professionals handle that" for them. Here we have a huge success where the NRA did not lead - it followed- because it couldn't calm the people into a false sense of security. It just couldn't accomplish the "just be patient and we will handle it" scam. It couldn't perpetrate the "this is the best deal we could get" and "we will fix the mistakes later" garbage anymore. The people stood up themselves in spite of the NRAs efforts and as a result, the NRA had no choice but to be drug along (prolly behind closed doors just kicking and screaming about how dare the unwashed (unregistered lobbyists) dare lead themselves in such a serious act of self governance.

Folks, its time to realize that we are under no obligation to engage our government through the lobbyist and party filters. It belongs to us and is ours to operate under very clearly framed limitations - and last time I checked everyone has the same rights to seek redress as they do freedom if the press. Journalist or lobbyist is just a profession - not some special title of nobility affording the chosen and permissions few.