Saturday, September 7, 2013

Collectivists rewriting the Constitution in their own tiny minds. Good luck with that.

“Because a well-regulated National Guard and Reserve, and well-regulated Federal, state, and local public safety departments, are necessary to the security of our free states and our free nation, the rights of citizens, while serving in their capacity in the aforesaid organizations, to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”


Anonymous said...

Every American Citizen, as a matter of birthright, owns the inherent individual right, making exercise immune to the democtatic vote, to own buy sell and trade, possess on their person and use in defense , free of any infringement, any blade blunt firearm and energy based tool they themselves determine necessary as to secure the peace and safety of their own free state of being.

Two can play that amending game.......

Anonymous said...

The words "well regulated", in the time the second amendment was written, meant "well trained", not controlled by government regulations. Even today, the words "well regulated sights" mean gun sights which actually point toward the target, as in "well adjusted". See how the left twists the meaning of the Constitution to suit their purposes. I don't want a "living" Constitution. I want a dead one that doesn't change.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

Article 16th. Right to bear arms; standing armies; military power subordinate to civil
That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the State - and as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power.

From the Vermont Constitution. Pretty much the same as the Republic of Vermont Constitution. GC

Gunny G said...

I always laugh when I hear Leftists yap that they want to change the 2d AM. It cannot be changed. Period. The original ten amendments, the Bill of Rights, are not subject to amending, changing, etc., even though the Left wants to.

Of course we'll STILL have to fight their lies and corruption.

Nairb said...

Now we know what the 2nd amendment would have looked like if ninnies, rather than free men, had written the Constitution and its Amendments.

Jeffersonian said...

Being essential to the preservation of Liberty, the restraint of Government, and the defense of life, limb, and property, the pre-existing natural right of the individual Person to keep and bear all manner of arms, openly or concealed, publicly or privately, shall not be infringed; no fee shall be charged, nor license or permit required, for the exercise of this right; and Government shall make no law or scheme of registration of arms or their owners.

HSR47 said...

@Old Greybeard:

This topic came up awhile back, and it prompted me to pull out a rather large old dictionary.

Regulate: To reduce to order, method, or uniformity; to regularize...

I see no reason why "well regulated" should be limited in scope to only training; It applies to equipment just as strongly.

As far as constitutional provisions seeking to guarantee the right to keep and bear arms, I personally find Pennsylvania's to be the most succinct: "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned."

Still, if we are to consider any revision to the U.S. Constitution, I believe that Louisiana's current version is probably the most bulletproof: "The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms is fundamental and shall not be infringed. Any restriction on this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny."