Friday, September 6, 2013

Apparently we don't train against jihadis anymore. Meet the new "Terrorist" flavor of the month.

'Sovereign citizens' assault Port Everglades


Anonymous said...

Apparently, they are training for the last war.

FG said...

Note the 'Roided-up deputy in image number 16 of this article's slide show.

Is that a hammer and sickle patch I see on he right side of his chest ?

Anonymous said...



How many sovereign citizens have flown planes into buildings in the last 12 or so years?

How many sovereign citizens have taken entire elementary schools hostage? Killing the men and boys, and raping the women and girls with bombs strapped to their chests?

How many sovereign citizens have tried to blow up planes?

How many sovereign citizens have blown themselves up in marketplaces on on buses?

How many sovereign citizens have set off bombs in marathons?

How many sovereign citizens have thrown acid in the faces of women?

The list goes on and on...

We're going to lose a lot of lives before someone sane stands up and decides that something must be done.

-An Ex-Muslim.

Longbow said...

"We've got to be bullet magnets. That's our job."

Quit stroking yourself. It is vulgar.

William Flatt said...

"We've got to be bullet magnets. That's our job."

When the 2nd American Revolution starts and you head out to kill your fellow citizens, remember those words, stand still, and be the bullet sponge.