Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Feds going after Tannerite.

Personally, I never got into it, being more concerned with accuracy than special effects. That doesn't mean the Feds have any right to ban it. Popular gun range target blamed for forest fires, called potential bomb source.
Also see David Codrea's column from back in March: FBI expresses confidence extremists can obtain Tannerite to make IEDs


SWIFT said...

" a cheap source of bomb-making material for extremists". A heavy dose of typical FBI drama queening. As long as the queens of the FBI do not purchase any tannerite, I'll feel safe.

Anonymous said...

A: I'd like to know exactly when and where these "dozens" of forest fires have been. Plus proof they where caused by tannerite. The "smoke" is mostly water vapor-steam.

B: As for kaboom capabilities, for crying out loud, you just have to look under your sink or in your garage, or are they going to ban cleaning supplies, next? A 5 gal. gas can's got a hell of a lot more kaboom in it.

C: I'm guessing some libtard is afraid of load noises?


AJ said...

Yeah. Terrorists are gonna blow us up with Tannerite. Gimme a fukkin' break already.

Anonymous said...

Mythbusters set off a large quantity of the stuff with a blasting cap in the trunk of a car and shredded the car. Powerfull stuff. I saw a Justin Bieber doll sent into orbit on a pound of it.

FedUp said...

They don't call the FBI fibbies (fibbers?) for nothing.

“…the FBI has identified multiple incidents where criminals and extremists have explored the possibility of employing the binary explosive mixture obtained from ETs as a means to commit criminal and terrorist acts,”

Translation: They looked into the idea, often after Confidential Informants suggested it to them, and figured out Tannerite was useless as a bomb material.

The FBI report went on to state that the product “can be combined with other materials to manufacture explosives for use in improvised explosive devices [IEDs].”

Translation: Ammonium Nitrate can be combined with petroleum distillates to make bombs. This shocking revelation comes as no surprise to anybody who has ever heard of Timothy McVeigh. Since fertilizer is orders of magnitude cheaper than tannerite, the FBI knows that nobody will actually buy tannerite just to use the nitrate in a bomb.

DC Wright said...

I see Austin Benning runs a business that deserves to go under. Nice of him to self-select for extinction!

D. C. Wright
USMC Retired

Chas S. Clifton said...

Talk to some wildland firefighters about this, and it might broaden your view.

I'm both a shooter and a firefighter, and in summer when it's hot and the wind is blowing, the only place for reactive targets is where they are surrounded by high dirt berms!

For Anonymous 8/7/13, Utah has had a number of them -- that's where the push started, I think

Chas S. Clifton said...

PS. Here is an Arizona gun blogger's perspective.

Dr. D said...

The secret of Tannerite: 34-0-0 Ammonium Nitrate (prilled)
Aluminum powder ( just enough to coat the Ammonium Nitrate, turning it from white to light gray)


For The Republic III%

C.O. Ben W. Hooper Bgd.

AJ said...

What next? Outlaw instant cold-packs and Etch a Sketch?
BTW, compared to fertilizer, Tannerite ain't cheap at all.