Sunday, March 10, 2013

Things fall apart.

Germany's anti-euro party is a nasty shock for Angela Merkel. Political revolt against the euro construct has spread to Germany.


Anonymous said...

Giddy Pink at 55 to see this coming Full Circle. I knew in Lahr 1971 as an RCAF Brat of only 13 that their Trojanized Usurious Soveriegnty-Shredding nonsense would lead to Catastrophe.
Not one Fuddy in my Life Cared what a mere Kid thought on the Subject. A Slo-Mo Auger-In Train-Wreck, with far-and-wide companion Fog of Gaseous Combustibles, ready to go POOF, Too Funny.

CHH said...

Actually those nuts are unknown even to most Germans. Not even near any political influence.

Paul X said...

Even those "Good Germans" are waking up, finally. Guess there's a little discontent in being the milch cow for the rest of Europe.