Monday, March 11, 2013

Hands off Ralphie! The loons in Roswell are up to their old disarmament tricks again.

Ralphie breaks the law in Roswell, Georgia.
Hunters are focusing on a call to require annual permits for people to fire weapons such as BB guns, air rifles and bows and arrows anywhere outside a licensed shooting range.
"Now, Ralphie, you can't shoot your BB gun until we get you a permit from the city."


Anonymous said...

Did Roswell not have a municipal code requiring every house to have a firearm?

Anonymous said...

To be blunt, this is why civil war is coming to America. The idiocy of requiring a permit to exercise any freedom is only getting worse. With ignorance now an epidemic, the voting booth is failing us all.

Jhn1 said...

If you really want to stir fecal matter, find that area's paintball fields and get them involved.
Some of those people make "hardcore" look soft. The rest can still be very opinionated.