Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The NRA weeniewagon is idling in the sellout garage.

An Initiative to Seize on Gun Control
The criticisms of recordkeeping -- unduly burdensome, a step down the slippery slope to gun registry -- are specious and paranoid. That's infuriating but irrelevant. Background checks with recordkeeping won't get the 60 votes necessary to pass the Senate. Background checks without recordkeeping will.
I'm reliably told that despite its continuing fulminating, the NRA may not actively oppose expanded checks without recordkeeping. Such a measure would be a huge, if imperfect, achievement -- a possibility to be seized, not squandered.


Anonymous said...

Will someone clue me in on HOW you do background checks without recordkeeping? Once the phonecall is made...

Anonymous said...

Early on in this (a few days after Sandy Hook) I sent the NRA membership and Training folks an email saying - no more compromise. Nothing but a full court press against any more infringements was acceptable.

I told them they'd be seeing my Endowment Life Membership and Instructor training cards back in the mail and that I'd never be supporting them in any way again if the caved again.

I told them we'd be beyond a "political" solution at that point so why would be need a big lobbying organization. Many of my friends sent similar messages.

And if they DO cave again, they'll be seeing all my NRA materials back in the mail.

David Forward said...

It never fails. Every time that I find some encouragement in the NRA taking a principled stand and supporting the 2 A they manage to support a dubious political candidate, or worse, accommodate a blatantly unconstitutional law providing cover for further infringement of the 2nd Amendment.

They fall back on the old canard of, "it's for the greater good to give some here than lose it all by being obstinate." In other words, they continually fall for the leviathan's plaintiff cry of necessity for the greater good in order to stay somehow "relevant" in the constitutional battle. But that's as effective as a prostitute limiting her customer base to only a few different men a night so that she can save some of her purity for a husband down the road.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty. It is the argument of tyrants; the creed of slaves...

Ashrak said...

Here in Illinois the NRA is championing "the strictest shall issue legislation in the country" in its attempt to create a permission slip structure where none currently exists. It's own legislation BANS the carry of RIFLES, requires a permit to carry in ADDITION to a permit to own and entails literally hundreds if dollars in cost out if pocket.

Ignoring federal preemption, the NRA touts a "need" for state lev preemption as a "trade" and a "deal" for all kinds of infringements. It's claiming Obama sequestration like danger if so much is not sacrificed to get state preemption.

The fears of municipal code is real- Chicago cook county and others will pass a hodgepodge as always but WHY be SCARED of it? Heck, the NRA should be DARING them to go there. With federal incorporation on our side, the banners will lose badly in court and title 42 section 1983 awards grow closer with every municipality that refuses to relent before our rights. I think THAT'S exactly what the NRA fears! Indeed, it fears people being able to defend their rights themselves. Ironic huh?

All Republicans have to do here in Illinois is do TO Madigan (speaker of the house) what he's done to them for three decades. Refuse to vote for ANY gun legislation and preemption cannot be attained. That provides the people of this state with Constitutinal Carry by default on June 9. Then the municipal threats have to be carried out. Budgets as they are here cannot withstand many checks like Rahm had to hand over to SAF. With the school issue slamming Chicago right now he can't afford to hand over more checks either. They WILL stand down.

The question is, nationally and here in Illinois , why the hell won't the NRA just stand and fight like IT SAID?

Anonymous said...

One traitor is as good as another when it comes to the use of a rope.

The rope doesn't care who it hangs.

Anonymous said...

Shocking, I tell you! The NRA wants to compromise with my rights?....Again??

I am really surprised. [/sarcasm]

Anonymous said...

What, exactly, is an "on-line sale" of a firearm?

Kansas Scout said...

why all this rumor mongering that has proven incorrect 100% on the time on the NRA (over the past 6 mo.)? Your cred is slipping

Anonymous said...

Good old NRA - Negotiating our Rights Away (again). Will people ever stop supporting these traitors?

SWIFT said...

Why would the NRA, or anyone, compromise with those who bring nothing to the table? Yes, fighting the anti-gunners in court is expensive up front, but the complainant can demand sanctions and get a chunk of change. Take a lesson from the Tree Huggers. That's what they do against Interior and BLM.

Ashrak said...

It seems Kansas scout has drank some No Rights Allowed kool-aid. There is no "rumor" about what the NRA is dpi g here. It's OPENLY trying to create a permission slip structure where one does not exist. It's OPENLY arguing AGAINST Constitutional Carry and it's OPENLY supporting what it's DEMOCRAT sponsor calls " the most restrictive shall issue legislation in the country". It OFFERED training REQUIREMENTS which at first "coincidentally" contained classroom and range instruction that listed NRA instructors SPECIFICALLY as precondition to a RIGHT. It OFFERED fingerprinting too.

Had it succeeded with its GARBAGE bill last year (and it almost did) we would not have a court decision today specifying the right to carry LOADED and we wouldn't have June 8 to look forward to either. The NRA has tried very hard to eliminate the best test case that exists - Illinois where carry is ENTIRELY felonious.

Maybe the NRA is great where you are but it ain't here in Illinois. It's stabbing the Second Amendment in the back and every true supporter of it too. It is literally convincing people here to beg for permission slips when Constitutional Carry is literally DAYS away by a court order they tried to avoid coming to pass

Negotiating Rights Away is EXACTLY what the NRA is DOING here in Illinois. Truth hurts. And some of us aren't afraid to speak the truth. For NRA supporters- go to and read hb997 for yourself. See the NRAs idea of a "good" bill. A "good" deal. See what it argued FOR as it argues AGAINST Constitutional Carry.

The NRA is the best disguised gun control group in this country. History proves it and so does its current action here in Illinois. Proof is in the pudding.