Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"If Congress allows the president to legislate from the oval office and restrict our rights with executive orders, the United States of America is finished." A reader's letter to his congressman and senators.

Tonight, I e-mailed Senators Cornyn and Cruz along with Representative Thornberry variants of the the following message.
Dear ................. ,
Indications are that _resident Obama plans to announce several measures of gun control a little before noon tomorrow 16 January. Do everything in your power to keep him from infringing upon the rights guaranteed by Amendment II of OUR Constitution.
He has no business or Constitutional authority to implement legislation or restrict any of the rights of any citizen through executive orders.
If Congress allows the president to legislate from the oval office and restrict our rights with executive orders, the United States of America is finished.
Respectfully submitted, (Name Redacted)


JTwig said...

I just sent the following to my House Rep.

With the President's press conference on gun control today, and all the rumors that seem to be swirling around it, I want to know what you will personally do if President Obama and the Executive Branch decides to create new or radically reinterpret old laws. As I’m sure you are well aware the Constitution clearly defines the powers and limits of each of the three branches of our government, and such an action by the Executive Branch would create a Constitutional crisis the likes of which has not been seen in this country for over a century. If Congress forfeits its responsibilities and power to allow the Executive Branch to write legislation that restricts our rights, then the United States as we know it no longer exists.

"What I would like to know is what you personally are going to do if the Executive Branch takes such an action and over steps its authority? I’ve seen Representatives and Senators from other states draw their line in the sand. When will I see you stand up and draw yours?


Justin T.W. Eilar"

Its time to stop worring about being put on a "list", and to step up to make our voices be heard.

Anonymous said...

Mike they cannot and will not stop at this point. They must take ALL wepons of military utility and do it NOW to advance the agenda. Look for roadblocks and gun raids within the month. Look for a "waco" to happen VERY soon. As I have been saying;"They" WANT a civil war. With that they end ALL pretence of civil law. New Yawk has cut off wepons and ammo to new england (vermont and Maine the targets)I expect a CHOKEHOLD of roadblocks to cut off the militias. I also think that the internet has an "event" soon. Any body wanna bet on a MAJOR false flag like REAL SOON?

Anonymous said...

According to a US Senator they are not planning on there being any fund raising events in the future for us to protest at. This means that whatever they have planned for us will be soon, and that they are not intending on there being any more elections.

David Forward said...

@anon 7:49 AM -- the Senator reference you allude to was fairly specific as applying to that Senator alone -- in other words, it's suspected that he sold out to Obama for a political appointment. You can read the interview that lead to this suspicion at:

But I wouldn't be surprised if you still don't turn out to be correct as far as future elections -- they would be suspended under martial law...

Anonymous said...

quote:"I want to know what you will personally do if President Obama and the Executive Branch decides to create new or radically reinterpret old laws"unquote

Mike, I can't speak for you, but check out what the SHERIFF in Linn County, Oregon is going to do. Far out. He sent a letter to Obomination declaring he will NOT enforce any new gun control laws..PERIOD. I hope many other Sheriffs do same, as the County Sheriff has more power within his county than the POTUS. I salute Linn County, Sheriff Tim Mueller for upholding the Constitution, and have emailed my thanks and appreciation for his courage.