Thursday, December 20, 2012

Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed

Collectivists around the world agree. The people American people must be disarmed. Do you suppose Joe Biden will give them a seat on his shiny new "commission?"


WarriorClass III said...

Obama takes his orders from the Chi-Coms. It should be apparent, at this time, why DHS has purchased over a billion rounds of ammo and it ain't to fight the Chinese.

Obama may not be the first President of the United States to declare war on the American people, but he is the first to be backed by a foreign country.

I pray you are all prepared by now, for the time of preparations has past.

Locked and loaded.

WarriorClass III

SWIFT said...

Screw the Chinese! Even today, I'm amazed at how many Americans do not know that we fought the commie Chinese in Viet-nam. Successive American governments were mostly responsible for the public not knowing about the Chinese in Viet-nam, because the troops were not even allowed to talk about encounters with Chinese troops. On a personal note, I feel I still owe them more than a few unpleasantries and would love a chance to pump them full of lead.

Anonymous said...

Lord help Obama's "free stuff" supporters if the ChiComs ever stop taking our bad checks.

Anonymous said...

A Marxist is a Marxist and ethnicity, nationality, or color don't matter a damned bit because they are all the same, and the end results are the same.

A bunch of Marxists got together and decided to steal the country out from under it's citizens and a bunch other people said that it could never happen. Well it has.

your choice is to let them secure their victory or wish they had done something else with their lives. Don't let the slow pace of this fool you, there will be a hammer and sickle on the flag at the end of their march. The smiling politician will be replaced by a smiling evil bastard and those he pays to stomp your kids and grand kids, when they aren't busy doing something else to them.

Their can only be slave and master in these societies, and so it has always been.

CowboyDan said...

Swifter, you may get your chance.

I think we ought to practice moving blue buckets from 100+ yards away. Why let them any closer?

Anonymous said...

Why not? The UN gave Cuba and Libya seats in their Civil Rights arm?



David Forward said...

Gee, I wonder why a communist government would like to have the American public disarmed. Do you think they remember well the words of Mao; "Power comes from the barrel of a gun."

1stLt, Taylor Holmes, Ret. said...

Might as well pull off the cover of decency and say like we mean it.

The Communist Chinese can FUCK themselves until their balls turn to mush. Those filthy shit buckets were good for nothing but cutting, gutting and pissing into. Not a damned thing did they ever do worth paying a fake nickel for. Killed plenty of them and all I have to say is that I'm sorry there weren't more.

Now they smack lips with new jive about our behavior? Those murdering communist pricks? FUCKEMDEAD. This garbage burns my ass. They can try to do it themselves. I'll answer them the same fucking way. It don't matter a shit that I'm not paid this time. I'll do it for free.

Paul X said...

Thank you Chinese government! You've tremendously helped the pro-gun side with your pronouncement!

ArmedPatriotsDOTcom said...

Hey....China...why dont you commies come and take them?

With all your crimes against your own people youre really not in a position to even have an opinion on American gun issues.

ArmedPatriotsDOTcom said...

Hey China....come get some...