Xin loi -- a Vietnamese idiom meaning "sorry about that," used by United States soldiers and Marines during the Second Indochina War. Generally offered as an ironic and insincere reaction to another's misfortune.

"Xin loi, asshole." Dead VC in U.S. Embassy garden, Saigon, Tet, 1968.
I'm sure it was motivated by the purest of intentions and written with deep sincerity. Heck, I'm just sure he wrote it himself.
Ten months after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down by Mexican drug cartel suspects in Arizona, his family has received a letter from Attorney General Eric Holder saying he is "sorry" for their loss.
Holder's Department of Justice oversees the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) which pursued a controversial "gunwalking" strategy linked to Terry's murder.
Two assault rifles that ATF allegedly let "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, to try to get to the "big fish," were found at Terry's murder scene.
Read the Holder letter to the Terry family.
Tuesday night on the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley and Wednesday morning, on the CBS Early Show we aired interviews with Terry's parents who said they feel they've been kept in the dark about their son's death.
Earlier Tuesday at a Senate Judiciary hearing, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) asked Holder if he had apologized, or even spoken to, the family of Agent Terry. Holder said he had not. Cornyn then asked Holder if he wanted to apologize to the family at the hearing. Holder didn't apologize, but expressed "regret" over the murder.
Today, Justice Department officials and the Terry family revealed that Holder sent the family a letter on Wednesday after his testimony reading, in part: "I am sorry for the tragic loss of your son."
Well, don't that just beat all. How sickening.
Well the Xin Loi photo shows a dead VC who obviously committed suicide. Crazy bunch of buggers weren't they? I'm curious, though, did they usually set themselves on fire before or after they shot themselves dead?
Eric Holder sez: "Me, Me, Me! It's all about me! And we still need more gun control!"
Friggin' disgusting.
Cornyn's willingness to actually hammer the huge nail in the room shows that even Holder will jump, instantly, when actually being smacked by the hammer.
Now just think......what if John Boehner was out there day after day doing some hammering on television and into microphones of the ever present authorized journalists......
The Silent Speaker is himself becoming a nail, a huge nail, because of his unwillingness to swing the hammer that is the Speaker's Gavel.
It's as ridiculous and sickening and disgusting as Holder's (staff) foolish attempt to blunt Cornyn's point.
Hellspawn and well-on-their-way-back types are incapable of genuine sorrow.
Being finally forced to break the worn tactic of ignore, ignore, ignore in order to perform epically belated damage control in the form of insincere correspondence for the sake of an ignominiously feeble attempt at saving whatever political capital you think you may be able, while in the process wiping your undeservedly arrogant, blood-soaked shoes all over your grieving subjects is not going unnoticed.
Believe it or not, this country's future for our offspring isn't a game to some of us flyover country bumpkins Holder, you lying sack of overly inflated, self-buoyant, anachronistic would-be aristocratic crap. I believe that you and the rest of your perfumed and ass-powdered ilk, are going to find that out.
Don't forget to put this in your fairy little DHS dossier on me for your equal partner in the rape of this nation. I'm not planning on flying anymore anyway.
Where was this so called apology 10 or 11 months ago?? What a fraud.
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