Friday, August 6, 2010

Monopoly can be a dangerous game.

The latest from David Codrea.


Anonymous said...

The always leave out the details, don't they?

Defender said...

Fits right in with other wage leeches abusing trust to justify their own existence. Police departments mail marijuana to a Maryland mayor so they can bust him and make news; U.S. Postal Inspectors send child pornography for a Gotcha! Agents provocateurs from the FBI and other alphabet agencies fund extremist groups that would fizzle out without them. All to exaggerate the threat and make the public clamor for more and more diminutions of their liberty in exchange for illusions of security. All for a monopoly on power.

Dedicated_Dad said...

What amazes me is how terrified the moonbats were when Bushitler McCheney-burton was in charge -- how government was the most evil thing EVER!

But now?

Do they REALLY think their favorite kool-aid flavored lollipop is going to be in power forever?




* sorry to all you other morons out there...