Monday, August 2, 2010

Just in case you were wondering: "The Federal government can do most anything in this country."


Scott J said...

Not even going to watch any Pete Stark.

He's the one who asked the Minutemen "who are you going to kill today" at a town hall meeting.

idahobob said...

Just think, the stooopid people of this assclown's district keep him in office.

How about them


Bad Cyborg said...

At least he is an honest rogue. Even after the lady reminded him of the constitutional limitations on federal power, he still stated that the "Federal government can do most anything in this country."


It cannot do so LAWFULLY/CONSTITUTIONALLY, but it CAN (i.e. is able to) do most anything it wants.

The the way of how this situation came to be and who the elites are is explained in The American Spectator here:

The piece is a bit long but it bears reading under the heading of "know your enemy".

parabarbarian said...

This piyan is one of the many blights on the Congress. Unfortunately he sits in a "safe seat" and will coast to another term. Such is the reality of modern governments.

Anonymous said...

I agree with bad cyborg, you can do anything if you have no respect for the law.

Chris K. said...

From a lamppost....

Defender said...

Did the audience know about Rangel's involuntary servitude bill? Apparently not.
What WILL get them out of their seats?

Dennis308 said...

As they have shown us time after time after..........
any more questions.

A TOTAL DISREGARD for the Congresscritter AND the People that continue to vote for him and those like him.


EMWONAY. said...

So... Are there no three percenters in Kalifornia? I'm sure this guy has a window or two. Just sayin... Lol

They can do whatever they want because we don't stop them. And the educational system has been waging war upon the minds of America's youth for decades. They grow up without any understanding or care of what is constitutional.

Anonymous said...

This is just brazen, open contempt for US Citizens.

Rep. Pete Stark either:

1) Has is strings being pulled by "higher up"

2) Is senile

3) Just doesn't give a shit because he's going to die soon.

4) Just doesn't give a shit, period.

Big AL said...

The lady had a well thought out and versed question.
Then the camera turns to the old(er) man.
He ponders and starts to talk, and I'm thinking 'why is this woman interviewing a retard?'

Thats when I shut it off.

Witchwood said...

He's a bully. He's been getting his way for so long that he thinks the status quo is invulnerable. If he had any idea what we're capable of, that smug, pedantic smile would evaporate.

I hope he lives to see the war.

Matt said...

I believe the guy who filmed this is the same guy Stark asked "who are you going to kill today?" It seems he is following Stark to do a series of these videos. Perhaps that's just a good idea these days. Great material to release during a campaign when almost everyone is already nauseated (as an understatement) at the thought that the politicians believe they can do anything, much less having proof that comes out of their own mouths.