This commenter at David Codrea's site mostly gets it:
Kevin Wilmeth said...
Points taken. Hell, I've got things to disagree with MBV on as well, and I fervently hope that some day I get the chance to set the man right on a couple of things. :-)
However, although I do agree with the point of the MOWCA post (c' else did we get to this sorry pass in the first place?), I think it misses the point that I got from MBV's "call".
For some time now Mike has been alluding to Threepers "being everywhere" by various means, and this latest idea is in no way different than his advocacy for, say, Oath Keepers. It seems overly simplistic, and not a little insulting, to suggest that Mike has suddenly become so afraid of consequences that he would advocate surrender in the form of assimilation. That's a cheap shot.
I certainly know that if I were in the middle of a personal cold war with the likes of the Federal apparatus that really would like MBV to succumb to his congestive heart failure, I would want to employ as many psychological tactics as I could--especially if I were still trying to avoid bloodshed. That is just exactly how the "we are everywhere" concept strikes me.
I assure you that if I ever detect a substantive compromise of principle in Mike's actions, I will be the first to simply walk away. But this ain't it. MBV has earned at least the right to a fair assessment, and I daresay he's done a hell of a lot more that's needed doing than any of his detractors.
As does Jon at the original post, who says in part:
i fail to see how taking a government job and then intentionally partaking of many small acts of subordination to hinder or prevent said employer from completing its unconstitutional and unlawful mission is accepting what i understand to be invisible and intangible chains. you would be literally getting paid in an increasingly worthless currency for the sole purpose of opposing, preventing, and perhaps non-violently overthrowing that very system, as well as converting it into firearms, ammunition, and other such stores of value as a fail-safe mechanism.
Jefferson Mack - Secret Freedom Fighter - Fighting Tyranny Without Terrorizing the Innocent
I read your piece about 'assimilation' and did not get the impression you had 'given up'. To the contrary.
What I took from the piece was infiltrating the IRS apparatus the same way the Fibbies do when they go on fishing expeditions. Witness the events of the past week in MI, IN, and OH and how they got what they got. They provide intel back to the ASAC or whoever's running the show, so to me, this is putting the shoe on the other foot.
Intelligence gathering is intelligence gathering, in my book. As my dear old grandpappy used to say "What's good for the goose is good for the gander".
The "We Are Everywhere, III" campaign is a brilliant, decentralized, leaderless insurgency. Yes, I said insurgency. It will cause the government to expend ridiculous amounts of money and resources tilting at wind mills.
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