Saturday, October 3, 2009

The President of Chicago

The more I see of Obama the Narcissist, the scarier he gets. We've had some whopping egos as President before, but this guy takes the cake. I did a search on the question: "What happens when you slap a narcissist?" Although there was no article that offered a direct answer, what I did read about narcissists depressed the heck out of me.

We are not going to get out of this without violence, simply because we have a president who thinks it is all about him and there's no one around him willing to tell him different.



Pickdog said...

I agree.

check this out.


Ed Rasimus said...

This increasingly has a black humor aspect to it, in the genre of Pulp Fiction or Dr. Strangelove, not in a racist context. Unfortunately the humor aspects quickly evaporate and we come back to the destruction of a grand experiment in government and intentional collapse of an economic system. That brings forth another movie title, "There Will Be Blood."

Anonymous said...

We'll probably be bombing Copehenagen soon...mthead

Anonymous said...

It's about far more than Obama's ego. He and his advisers have no conception of just how deeply we appreciate and revere our way of life and our history. Everything for them is compromise. Compromise, compromise, compromise. Anything to get ahead, to get votes or to obtain a desired result. They've never truly stood firm for anything in their lives. Liberty for us is a concrete not an abstract. For all of their supposed education, however, they just don't understand this. The result is both easily foretold and lamentable.

AnHourOfWolves said...

Pickdog, thanks for that link, that was an amazing read.