Monday, October 12, 2009

Caption Contest (Too good to pass up).


Santander said...

They're all going to be "butt" jokes. :-)

Where's that U.N. butt?

Who's butt do I need to kiss to get the Olympics in to Chicago?

Who's butt do I need to kiss to get a Nobel Peace Prize?

Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad... I've waxed my lips and I'm ready!

Constitution? I'm ready to kiss it all goodbye.

Tangalor said...

Hugo, I got somethin' for ya.

Skullz said...

Hey! Where's my halo? I'm supposed to have a damned halo when before my picture is distributed! Oh, a kiss first? Well, OK....

Anonymous said...

The campaign contributions price for a Goldman Sachs White House lackey? $994,795

Flashbacks of suckling at Saul Alinsky's ideological teat? Priceless.


Newbius said...

Come on! You know you want to.

Word Verification: imbusse

French. Full. Full of ones self. Or, Full of a sense of superiority. I kid you not.

Anonymous said...

You love me! You really, really love me!

B Woodman

Charlie said...

Kiss your [fill in the blank] goodbye!

- country
- constitution
- liberty
- rights
- guns
- money

skybill said...

Hi Mike,

"Does he or doesn't he....
only Michelle knows for sure!!"

Ed Rasimus said...

"That's Duce, not Douche!"

Dr.D said...

give me some sugar Hugo.....


Christos said...

New World Order, allow me to assume the position...

Anonymous said...

Dear Reader catches his reflection inedlycia the mirror...

Kent McManigal said...

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall... who's a pretty boy? You are! Muah!"

Happy D said...

Space for rent.

RJM said...

Gee, and here I thought he was blowing blessings upon the crowd.......

Chris K. said...

"After George Soros' crusty old one to get me elected its all easy from here on out"

Sean said...

Your rights? You can just kiss all those goodbye!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! I got several laughs out of that pic. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

"Hey Barney(Frank), come give Daddy some sugar..."

Anonymous said...

I feel pretty,
I feel pretty,
I feel pretty,
and witty,
and bright. . . .

B Woodman

dakotas5 said...

I've got a cramp!

Mile 66 said...

Mm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make our 57 states strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
So “sweeties” must get equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said he will reach out his hand
To the enemies of our land
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black or typical white person
Guess whose wealth I’m gonna spread?
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Crotalus said...

It looks like a diss kiss, that gang members might use, sooo... "With this kiss, I diss the American People."

Anonymous said...

" . . . and here is a special one for my dearest friend Larry Sinclair . . . ."

Anonymous said...

POTUS-Begging for a busted lip!


JokersWild said...

Obama lets his teleprompter know i'ts still #1 in his life.

Anonymous said...

- How's my appeasment? Call 1-800-KISSASS.

- May God be Praised.

- The only time he's not lying (rare photo!)


JSmith said...

This picture reminded me of a story:

A man was in Mexico on business and lost his passport. When he tried to get back across, a TSA agent stopped him. The man said, "but I am an American and I can prove it. I have a tattoo of Bush on my left butt cheek and Reagan on the right one". The agent was intrigued and agreed to take a look. After one look, the agent said "yep, you are an American and have a safe trip back to Chicago". The man replied "thanks, but how did you know I was from Chicago". To which the agent said "I recognized Obama in the middle".

monkeyfan said...

Pucker up America!

Anonymous said...

The Emperor thanks America for the New Clothes..............


Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle, use less vinegar next time.

Anonymous said...

Pres. Odumbo prepares to meet the Saudi King again.
Word verification: flitti

Happy D said...

Insert... Ah, well never mind.