Thursday, June 16, 2016

Must Read of the Day: Thee Card Monte

Three Card Monte

Before we get caught up in the D's vs. R's game, George makes some very important points to watch the hands that are shuffling the cards.

"We’re being played like marks right now over the shootings in Florida. Stop and think about that for a second before you read on. Think about all the discussions out there right now.  Guns, muslims, gays, immigration, ISIS, you name it.  And it’s all a game."


Ed Gage said...


Dutchman6 said...

Hover your curser over where it says "Three Card Monte" and click on the link.

Easy Peezy.

- Matthew

Chiu ChunLing said...

In a three-card monte, playing is optional.

This isn't a card game, it's a war, and refusing to play isn't an option. You can openly surrender, you can surrender by default, or you can fight to win.

Anonymous said...

I disagree somewhat on the goal of the con. I believe everything the con (dem or rep) does is to erode rights and establish greater control over the masses (read as each individual). So for instance this cry about gun control isn't about taking away guns from bad people. It is about establishing the ability of the government to establish precedent in destroying due process. Create the list of people who shouldn't have the right to keep and bear arms regardless if they have committed a crime or not. They can't have one because we think they might some day in some way use a gun to resist. Once they get that foot in the door they can put any individual or group of individuals on the list. Then that list is used to restrict other rights, where we work, what we say, access to internet, etc. CONTROL. ALL about CONTROL. Their Con game only continues to run if they have compliant and mesmerized marks.


Unknown said...

Good post!

Anonymous said...

Houston's right....the pitiful part is the MSN poll yesterday said 93% of Amerikans are in favor of stopping "suspected terrorists" from buying a gun. Problem is: John Q. Public is so misinformed as to due process and his very own rights and is so short sighted that he doesn't even realize this latest push to abridge our liberties is EXACTLY the same thing done after 9/11 to pass the Patriot Act and then NDAA stipulations. Apparently, most Amerikans believe that these infringements upon rights will only happen to *actual* terrorists or "dirty Muslims"....and they won't have to worry about it....IN SPITE....of the fact that NSA targeted EVERYONE in its surveillance dragnet.

Anonymous said...

More like 3-D chess, if you ask me. I like Ann Barnhardt's way of dealing with the international/globalist's "pawn" represented by the universal caliphate: - and read the previous few day's posts.

That would, of course, take some military leadership going against the direction of the musloid-in-chief, but hey, they won't have much of a career left if the Blue Helmeted Ones take over while they're deployed over there anyway, so why not? They'd at least be able to come back here and deal with the threat at home.

Pretty ironic how gays with guns have been pitted against gays who hate guns to achieve another talking point in the disarmament argument.


Anonymous said...

Especially when you consider that the Orlando fella was NOT on the no-fly list, and had passed numerous enhanced background checks to work for a DHS contractor. Talk about trying to move the Overton Window. Hegelian Dialectic tactics at their finest. Absolutely NOTHING being proposed would have stopped this incident.

B-4 said...

The following link is interesting.

Where are the death certificates, embalming records, who was the ambulance service? I want proof this happened, until then it was a .gov CapStone event, as far as I'm concerned. There are more unanswered questions than answered. I do not believe the media, or .gov any more, and only trust known vetted sources. B-4

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOL Vox Writer: President Should Unilaterally Ban Everyone From Buying Guns…

Above picture is Dylan Matthews. He looks like he can take your guns doesn’t he?

MikeH. said...

B-4, I'm not sure I understand the questions you are asking. Do you really believe our government would not order the murder of 49 American citizens to advance the political agenda? Or 26 American school children? Or do you think the events were faked to drum up a massive anti-gun sentiment? Personally, I feel very confident in thinking faked events, of these scales, would be near impossible to pull off without someone getting chatty.

skybill said...

Hi Matt,
Did you Forget????
This game is like trying to play Chess (or Checkers) with a Pigeon.....
The pigeon will strut all over the board , knock over all your and his pieces , flap his wings in pseudo victory, saying that "He is 'THE GREATEST'" and he will," CRAP ALL OVER THE BOARD!!"
Audentes, Fortuna, Juvat!!!,

Threeper said...

Never forget, even for an instant, that the one and only reason anybody has for taking your gun away is to make you weaker than he is, so he can do something to you that you wouldn't let him do if you were equipped to prevent it. This goes for muggers, rapists and terrorists and even more so for bureaucrats, politicians and Presidents.

Anonymous said...

No question Trump will turn on the 2A....NO concept of the Constitution or natural, negative rights.

Anonymous said...

"Threeper" at 11:11 AM, Exactly!

Elizabeth Hanson said...

It is all a ruse to get people happy about taking away our rights. The government wants to take away a freedom, they create a problem, people get upset, and then demand what the government wanted to do. Our only hope is that more and more people are waking up to all of this.

Anonymous said...

Threeper -
That is a winner winner chicken dinner!

People who have no intention of harming you, and or subjugating you, care not what or how many weapons you have. Folks who mean you no harm do not concern themselves with your business - because they have no ill intent toward you. Folks who wish you safety and success would be so very happy to see you protect and defend that safety and success, complimenting your 'arsenal" if you chose to show it to them (as in a proper world, that would be the only way you could even know what arms they possessed).

While I have witnessed many people speak in the abstract and in general about taking guns away, here is an interesting tidbit. Never once have I ever had anyone try to come and take mine away from me by force. Gee, I wonder why that is? Now, I have experienced the inability to purchase certain things, because the general and abstract strategy employed by grabbers has been successful, but it is time to notice that large sections of society are literally throwing the entire gun control body out the window - dismissing it all out of hand as the idiocy it is. Those folks know that abiding by it is a death sentence so violating it, ignoring it, is the safe bet. They take the jail time if "caught" and even plea to get out early. They become jaded to the justice system itself across the board as a result.

We call this section of society.......inner cities.