Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The murderous meth-head Millers & the media battle to get to the truth/ignore the truth/assign blame/use the dead to score propaganda points continues.

When taken, meth and crystal meth create a false sense of well-being and energy, and so a person will tend to push his body faster and further than it is meant to go. Thus, drug users can experience a severe “crash” or physical and mental breakdown after the effects of the drugs wear off. Because continued use of the drug decreases natural feelings of hunger, users can experience extreme weight loss. Negative effects can also include disturbed sleep patterns, hyperactivity, nausea, delusions of power, increased aggressiveness and irritability. Other serious effects can include insomnia, confusion, hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia. -- The Deadly Effects of Meth.
The Washington Times reports this much ignored-by-the-collectivist-media factoid about the Millers that probably goes a long way to explain their behavior: "The neighbors also told police that the two were methamphetamine users."
Meanwhile, the Bundys issue a statement about the Millers "Militia kicked Las Vegas shooters off ranch" while the regime merely perpetuates the lie: "Interior Secretary Jewell connects Las Vegas shooting to Bundy ranch."
Obama for his part uses it to push Australian-type gun control: "Couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that’s it, we’re not doing, we’re not seeing that again, and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since. . ." Charles C.W. Cooke comments: "In other words, the president of the United States just praised a government for forcefully removing all semi-automatic firearms (i.e. a remarkable number of the guns in America and the majority of those sold today) from its citizenry." See also: "Obama Praises Australian Gun Confiscation, Vows to Act Without Congress."
Meanwhile, some say that Miller was more than a little interested in the collectivist Occupy Wall street. See also here. However, it seems to me that he would be unlikely to misspell his own first name so these are perhaps posts from someone else.
And William Grigg takes on the "government-monopoly-of-violence" advocate Horwitz: The State’s Criminal Conduct Dangerously Influences the “Weak-Minded”
“The big idea that binds us as Americans is that we’re all supposed to be equal before the law,” proclaims Josh Horowitz in an essay pleading for the same Regime that burns some children in their beds and vaporizes others by drone strikes to carry out a domestic purge of its most outspoken critics. Horowitz clearly proposes a monopoly on gun violence by a Regime that has long since abandoned the pretense of being ruled by law.
LATER: And the Daily Caller comments: The Media Finally Gets The Mass Shooter It Always Wanted.


SWIFT said...

Obama praises Australian gun confiscation, vows to act without Congress. It seems the "Lawless One" really does believe he is a dictator. There are some hard lessons coming on these storm clouds.

Anonymous said...

There is no proof that the Millers were meth users just hearsay from a neighbor. Just maybe they were what they seem to be, a couple of people fired up and pissed off at "the only ones". Might they have seen the weekly stories of cops abusing the citizenry? One video I saw of Miller contained commentary on cops sticking their fingers up people's butts during traffic stops to search for drugs (which has happened). Maybe they were tired of the weekly stories of cops shooting unarmed people? I am not buying the crazy drug addict story. I think they thought they were starting the "civil war" people are always talking about. The "civil war" between citizens and the current overreaching government.

Anonymous said...

I don't think these guys are as ideologically different from the libertarian/III movement as many on our side would like them to be.

Yes, it's unfortunate that they didn't listen to Mike's mantra of "no Ft. Sumters"....and libertarians certainly wouldn't condone the initiation of violence, but trying to distance ourselves from the underlying political message these two seem to have believed in isn't very honest, IMO.

Anonymous said...

I think it is very difficult to try and distance the philosophies of these folks from the philosophies of many readers of this blog. One of the difficult challenges when you tell people that use of arms as a good way to stop the government, will try and use arms against the government in ways none of us would want. Free speech requires responsibility in the same way that carrying a firearm requires responsibility.

Additionally, the right thing to do with these folks was not to simply turn them away from the ranch, but to report that there was a felon whose behavior concerned them who was in possession of firearms. Part of being a responsible gun owner is trying to ensure that firearms are not in the possession of irresponsible gun owners. When we don't do this, well, we get outcomes like the ones we saw. Additionally, everyone who owns a firearm is painted in a bad light when these events happen, so it is in our self interest to be self policing, so we don't give ammunition to those who want to enact much more stringent controls.

As we all know, with freedom comes responsibility, and in this case, we have failed in our responsibilities in our choices of words, as well as our inaction when we knew there was someone dangerous in our midst.

If they were meth users, which I believe they likely were, that was probably a contributing factor in their behavior. That, however, doesn't mean that there were not other factors, including words that are written on this blog, radio shows like Alex Jones' InfoWars, and the lack of action on behalf of the Oathkeepers and 3 Percenters when they knew a felon who made them "uncomfortable" at the Bundy Ranch was in possession of firearms.

By refusing to look inwards and acknowledge the places where this community could have "done the right thing" we appear out of touch and irresponsible to the rest of the country, and in fact aren't doing the hard work to make ourselves better.