Wednesday, June 11, 2014

NRA’s “Dom & Jerry” Take Heat Over Support Of The Militarization Of Law Enforcement

We’re giving real, selective-fire assault rifles and submachine guns to officers that mean well, but who were never trained to the point of competence, and law enforcement leaders are increasingly using these units in a wider range of operations in order to justify their expense.


Anonymous said...

Mike, the real message in this article is in the last two paragraphs:

"The military and law enforcement have very distinct roles to play in a society that values individual human rights and liberty. That Mr. Raso and Mr. Plum can’t see that is troubling, especially when Plum has previously indicated his willingness to enforce unconstitutional laws.

"We need fewer SWAT teams treating citizens like high-value targets to be raided, and more peace officers willing to interact among us."

Anyone---and I mean "anyone"---who is willing to break their oath and "enforce unconstitutional laws" is a traitor and should be treated as such.

I stand ready to aid any LEO or military member in need "IF" their actions are constitutional and lawful. All others beware.

Anonymous said...

These two assholes are on the public payroll , both should be fired . We are citizens not civilians and we pay their wages .
If we learn anything from Eric Cantors huge loss after outspending his opponent 50 to 1 is people have had about all they can take . Any sheriff or police chief going against the will of people will soon find themselves rightly unemployed as well as Dom & Jerry should be.

MamaLiberty said...

Does anyone think that "competence" or more training is going to change the psychopathic attitude of these cops?

Anonymous said...


Not just acquisition, but training. The ONLY drawback is the fact that most commercial shooting ranges don't allow their use. So you have to find a place to practice where it's safe to do so.

Short, well aimed bursts. Be prepared to replace your barrel after proficiency is achieved.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the weapons and equipment because there are, real bad guys that need the hard kill.

The problem is that nobody in government recognises the constitution and bill of rights as anything more that toilet paper or a joke, to be ignored.

They shoot your dog, stomp your kittens, shoot old men for using a cane because he needs one to stand, shoot women who are holding babies, burn down churches with women and children inside and then lie their asses off on national TV, all of it supported by our worthless government appointed judges and elected officials.

I remember being a cop and being threatened with everything imaginable if I didn't have reasonable suspicion, probable cause and/or "REAL" exigent circumstances. Now they do what they want, to anyone they choose and are unconstitutionally ordered to and the people of this system protect them and their bosses and the attorneys involved from any accountability whatsoever.

Steve Bratten said...

These A$$ clowns need to go. Read US vs. Miller. (S.Ct. 1939) Militia i.e. military weapons are the ones that are protected by the Second Amendment. We have police out the a$$. We just don't need them. Responsible citizens can handle it. Just stop telling us we can't. Big government and the NAS were too busy reading everyone's Facebook and email to pay attention to real correspondence from the old KGB on the Boston Marathon bombers.

Anonymous said...

This will cause an uproar among all you key punchers out there, but two cops out west got held very accountable on Sunday.

Mark Matis said...

Well said, Anonymous from June 11, 2014 at 11:25 AM. The LVMPD has been murdering Mere Citizens with impunity for YEARS.

Nothing more than a VERY minor start at justice in the face of an overwhelmingly corrupt "Law Enforcement" and "Legal" system. Because, after all, it clearly depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is. And the "treason" clause in the Constitution only applies to "enemies" of the "US government"... Which clearly means a "president" can never commit "treason". At least as far as the "Legal" system is concerned.

Anonymous said...

Right on Steve! Arms useful in military conflict are EXACTLY what is protected. So then, why is the NRA focussing on state level preemption rather than bringing the brutally honest truth to light - that the ban on select fire arms does not stand up to loooooooongstanding precedent.......

Ummm, might it be because the NRA is now the biggest and best disguised gun control group in this country, can I get a "weird" and a "scarey".......?

FedUp said...

Who assumes the cops in question have good intentions???

I don't know how many 'normal' LEOs have NFA weapons in the trunk of their squad, but I suspect it's a small minority.

The ones who usually have full automatics in their hands are the accursed cowards who sign up for SWAT duty because they think soldiers are thugs like them, and they want to play soldier among the 'civilians'.

FedUp said...

I was accidentally redundant when I called SWAT JBTs cowards and thugs.

Their thugliness is official issue, just like their jackboots and masks, so there's no point in calling them thugs. They are the walking definition of the word 'thug'.

I meant to call them cowards and bullies.