Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thank you, Mr. Fed, for putting gear out where we can get it if we need it.

War Gear Flows to Police Departments
Meanwhile: Justice Dept to Survey Federal Agencies for Guns, Ammo. Nice to do an inventory before you jump into a civil war, I guess. I'll tell you what, Mr. Holder. You count yours and we'll count ours and let's see who has more.


Anonymous said...


"It's certainly proper for every agency to have an accurate accounting of what firearms it has," said Dave Workman, communications director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. "After all, these guns don't belong to the agents. They belong to the taxpayers. We paid for that stuff."

Love it! So, when TSHTF, all we will be doing is taking back what was ours in the first place. Works for me.

SWIFT said...

The most that will come from a Justice Department Survey will be the disarming of NOAA, Department of Education, and a reduction in the numbers of armed Agriculture personnel. My money says they won't do shit. No matter. We're in the "End Game" anyway.

Anonymous said...

The forward positioning of this material will be greatly appreciated. Initially, they can not defend it. What is left behind will need to be destroyed so it can't be used.

Anonymous said...

Meh...doesn't matter.
All that heavy duty war stuff is ineffective against the most effective weapon on the domestic battlefield.
The Scout Sniper.
These solder wannabees will run when a few of their compatriots are rendered by that single projectile from an unknown direction and distance.
They will be forced to decide whose side they're on.

Anonymous said...

All of these heavily armored vehicles remind me of the German Tiger tanks at the "Battle of Kursk" in Russia in July, 1943. The battle for the Kursk salient was the greatest tank battle in the history of warfare.

The Tiger Tank was heavily armored and heavily gunned, but had a fatal flaw. The early ones had no "secondary armament", machine gun(s) to protect it from infantry. It could take a hit from a 75 mm gun at short range and keep right on fighting. But infantry could get behind the tank, climb up on it and lob grenades into it through the ventilation ports. Once fired the men inside died like hornets when a nest is burnt with gasoline!

All of that metal surrounding the occupants, is a certain death trap in case of fire. Those inside will die like sardines in a can. Too bad these cops don't have the brains to think this all the way through! These are extremely vulnerable to flame throwing weapons and other improvised arms, and cannot be easily defended against that.

This rapid arming of the cops has another bad side, it is causing the cops to think of themselves as "soldiers" in the war of GOOD vs EVIL. They fancy themselves, and anyone else with a badge to be the GOOD side, and all the rest of Americans are the EVIL to be treated that way and to be beaten into submission any time that is desired.

I don't know for sure what happened in Vegas, but bet if this militarization of the cops continues, it will stoke retaliation from the good American citizens who don't want to see the constitution trampled by these jack booted Gestapo thugs.

THEY have made it into a "war", the American people did not ask for......and will not accept!

Anonymous said...

We are too many assumptions.. what if this buying spree is just a cover for the purchases so they can send them to Syria or others who support Obama like his "Private Army" we keep hearing about. What if the ghettos are just unofficial training grounds for his gangster army supported by those mexillegals he has allowed across the border.. what if nothing they say is true and its all a cover to keep power and stop an election.. What if ?
Stop the assumptions that they are telling the truth and investigate if all those agencies are really7 getting the deliveries or is it shipping somewhere else.
What if.. we catch them misappropriating funds and government weapons for ???

Yank III

Gunny G said...

Looks like we're gonna git there the firstest with the mostest!

Kristophr said...

Dibs on an MRAP.

I think I will paint it pink.