Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Esquire: Police Who Support NRA Are Traitors 'to the Uniform'

On June 9, Esquire columnist Charles P. Pierce addressed the Las Vegas attack that killed two police officers by criticizing law enforcement's support of the NRA positions on guns. He went so far as to state that a police officer who has an NRA sticker on his personal car window is a "traitor to the uniform."


Anonymous said...

This is insane!
The real traitors are those who take an oath to protect our Constitution, don a uniform, and then break their oath.
Such scum are traitors and deserve the punishment that comes with such action.
And never lose mind of what Bo-Zo's transformation of America is all about. It's a nasty cesspool, exactly like all other dictatorships around the world---past or present.
And to get there, Bo-Zo must disarm our citizens. He is giving it his all, and we must do no less is we wish to live free.

Anonymous said...

The clown writing the article is really saying: "Why do you cops want to be on the side of Americanism and the constitution! Come over here with us on the communist/fascist side!"...Let's face it folks, this really is an information war. While they hit us with propaganda reminiscent of dementia, we have the truth and common sense. All cops need is a history lesson on what happens to them after the dictator uses them to wipe out the populace..

Anonymous said...

Esquire used to be known as a mens magazine but now more closely resembles a metrosexual magazine. I suppose the next full feature will be "Crossdressing for Success".

Anonymous said...

"Cross dressing for success" LOL That's a good one...

Anonymous said...

If he see's my truck his head will explode, An NRA sticker and Oath Keepers, Need to get a III Percent one as well. What an ignorant waste of oxygen.

Anonymous said...

Taking the NRA position that state governments can simply ignore the Second Amendment and preempt it as they see fit IS traitorous. Enforcing gun laws rooted in "commerce" is also.

The left, the communists and socialist fascists have infiltrated everything they said they would back in the sixties. They've fundamentally transformed the NRA into a gun control tool and use the media to bash it - making low information people think they have to support it in order to "protect" their gun rights.

It's gotten so idiotic that supposed "life members" are calling those who dare speak up about the NRAs shenanigans anti gun and anti gun rights.

This article is just another cog in the machine to get gun owners to shoot themselves in the foot by supporting the NRA. Well, if the NRA just did the right thing, gun owners would flock to it. Well over a century and hundreds of millions of guns and at least a hundred million gun owners shows that the lowly four million members claimed isn't the "powerhouse" the left claims the NRA is.

The vast majority of gun owners ARENT members of the NRA. Gee, why is that? Cuz those smart enough to own guns most often are able to see right through garbage.....

Jimmy the Saint said...

@Anonymous: "While they hit us with propaganda reminiscent of dementia, we have the truth and common sense."

If truth and common sense could defeat propaganda, there never would have been a Soviet Union, a Nazi Germany, etc., etc., etc. Propaganda works very, very well.

jon said...

note that the author never got the idea to make this point before the attack, despite his argument being that the NRA is getting cops killed, will get more cops killed -- and thus was already going to get cops killed.

you might wonder why he knew what he knew and said nothing to warn anyone -- but to do that, first you'd have to take him seriously! laughable.

Anonymous said...

The irony of this is that the NRA wholeheartedly supports the militarization of police according the latest video they published with their former Navy Seal spokesman and his SWAT buddy.

Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cQDIIRQnQU

The video isn't allowing all "dislikes" through.

Unknown said...

@ Jimmy the Saint: If truth and common sense could defeat propaganda, there never would have been a Soviet Union, a Nazi Germany, etc., etc., etc. Propaganda works very, very well.

“There will come a day when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and the truth will triumph again.”
~ Joseph Goebbels

A [mostly] free Internet can help tip the information war in the people's favor. This is why corporations are attacking net neutrality and new laws like the TPP and NAFTA allow greater control of the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Speaking of "Traitors".