Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Saving Private Ryan who was a deserter." To the regime, being a deserter is something that is no big deal, since they are themselves enemies of this country.

Anger explodes over treatment of Bergdahl’s release as veterans, troops call him a deserter.
Bergdahl Uproar Has WH in Damage Control Mode.
I think this caught the regime by surprise because to them, personally, being a deserter in the face of the enemy is something that they think is no big deal, an action that they sympathize with, since they are themselves domestic enemies of the Constitution and have always identified their own country -- and the rest of us non-enlightened, unwashed citizens resistant to their Mandarin class -- as the enemy. They should not be surprised if the rest of us begin to consider them to be the enemy as well.
LATER: See also Michelle Malkin's exclusive, The Story You Haven't Yet Heard About Bowe Bergdahl's Desertion


Anonymous said...

The reason they get away with the shit they do is because they always claim that everything was unintended and/or an accident. Not part of a calculated plan, which can be charted over time....

The other reason it that the MEDIA won't report what is actually happening, even through it is more than obvious, that they know. This is their protective function, to enable every commie bastard and bitch to do anything they want to, without the knowledge of the public, thus avoiding interference.

Oooops! Wink, wink!

Waiting In Idaho said...

I have an interesting idea. After this POS is court martialed for treason and desertion, we should hold a nation-wide lottery to select his firing squad. I would pay a lot for a chance to serve. Say $100 a ticket...proceeds go to the families of the real heroes who died trying to find the little prick.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anything like these people. Makes Nixon look like a Saint and Carter like Einstein.

Anonymous said...

Obama swapped five top-level enemy commanders for one of our traitors. Does that not meet the definition of treason? obama should be impeached and removed from office immediately. Then he should be charged with and tried for treason. Of course, his lapdog Holder would have to bring the criminal charges. Fat chance of that.
- Old Greybeard