Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"A constitutional tipping point."

Obama Is The President That Richard Nixon Always Wanted To Be.


Anonymous said...

If congress is unable or unwilling to put a stop to this (as seems to be the case), armed citizens will.
Our Founders secured freedom with armed resistance; what makes Bo-Zo anything will be different this time?
Give up a free America and be a slave to this POS? Ain't gunna happen.

Anonymous said...

Who could have guessed? Who could have known that a skinny homosexual kid from Indonesia would grow up to become a 'quasi-dictator' over the last nation of the free world.

Pretty damned amazing.

Ya, the schism between the America we know and love and the amerika that's welcoming a traitor home in Idaho and defending the actions of a narcissistic bastard lying politician who gamed the election system, is starkly well defined.

That "fundamental change" has happened and they're just rollin' out' the wrinkles at this point.

Obama should have had impeachment charges read against him before he ever sat for reelection. Of course, that did not happen.

Simply too much political power has been bought and paid for. Ya, it's a criminal syndicate organized to control the bureaucracies and the judiciary which have become backbone of our nation. A protected class of citizens implementing diktats without question to perpetuate themselves and their spawn.

Little Barack Soetoro did read the Constitution, he did pay attention in class and his lessons as a "community organizer" for the Democratic mob in Chicago have paid off handsomely for him and his homies.

And the mob has never shirked or faltered when it comes to protecting what they've claimed as theirs. Right now, they're laying claim to America. And they will not hesitate for an instant to use every weapon in their political, bureaucratic, judicial arsenal to identify dissenters, STOP all challenges to their authority or implement changes that could negatively affect their control over institutions they control.

Get ready, stay alert. I have a bad feeling we have not yet witnessed a serious power play. When it happens, it will be unmistakable. What was soft will become hard. There will be no turning back. We will have leaped into the precipice.