Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I always said that Obama and Holder would keep Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp open if it meant they could throw US there. The new name for the secret political police: Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee.

U.S. reconstitutes group to fight homegrown extremists.
The United States is reviving a law enforcement group to investigate those it designates as domestic terrorists, the Department of Justice announced Tuesday.
Following hate-motivated shootings such as the one at a Jewish Community Center in Kansas City, Missouri in April, federal prosecutors have pressed the need to coordinate intelligence about such criminals on a national level, Justice Department officials said. . .
Events like the April 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon, in which the attackers appeared to be influenced by extremists abroad, would not fall under the jurisdiction of the group, named the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee.
"We must also concern ourselves with the continued danger we face from individuals within our own borders who may be motivated by a variety of other causes from anti-government animus to racial prejudice," Holder said.
Complete text of statement here.
LATER: And lest we forget. . . The FBI Creates, Then "Foils" Terror Plots

1 comment:

GA Patriot said...

Listen carefully to the parsing of words. They do not mean Mooslims. They mean US. Take note of who is on this committee. Your enemies will reveal themselves.