Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Beast blames all things non-‘progressive’ for Las Vegas killers

True to form and right on cue, “progressive” pundits who feed themselves pushing citizen disarmament and other ways of subverting true egalitarian power sharing are out in force, blaming everyone outside their collectivist echo chamber for the actions of two misfit killers.

1 comment:

knuckdm said...

Mike, The self-fulfilling prophecy is unfolding in front of us. With the unforseen consequences of the "true" information highway being disseminated to the common man: The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence are fulfilling the one true purpose for their existence. Information and our access to that information. Not only are these great works giving us that opportunity, they are also giving us the ability to predict,quite accurately, their next move. The currency swirly nears the bottom of the bowl, picking up speed with the tightening up of the vortex.Your site and some other well done sources have nailed down the dirty bastards that they had to accelerate their timetable. Their sloppiness is showing. The shelters are full and the coffers are empty. Anyone with a lick of sense better get it right. Especially with their Creator. Do the best you can ,with what you have. Embrace your loved ones and know that every one that you deem worthy, deserves a hand.I think TEOTWAWKI has arrived. Keep your powder dry.