Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Chicago police, ATF form Intelligence Center to fight “three-percenters”

Now isn't this interesting?


Sean said...

Bring a lunch.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t that interesting and telling? Like theirs not enough crime in “Shitcago” to keep them busy.

Anonymous said...

How lovely!!!!!!!!!!

Gang-bangers cause most of the nightly shootings in Chicago, and it's my bet there's not three percent of them that could tell you what a "three-percenter" means.

This is just posturing that says, "Hey, look what we're doing to reduce crime in Chicago."

If they'd expend half the effort they are giving this to get the bad guys off the street, they'd see the murder rate fall quickly.

What a farce.

SWIFT said...

Last time I heard; the City of Chicago was near bankruptcy. Must have been another big lie, if they have money for this "Intelligence" center. There is no doubt in my mind, that the ATF supplied the name, three-percenters, the targeted group. The association should not be lost on even a left-wing box of hammers and I KNOW that was their intent. Chicago Sewer Rats.

Dakota said...

Well I bet we can all feel oh so privileged that they now mentioned us as being terrorists. Like I said several years ago ..... all depends on who is calling who what.

They continue to turn up the heat on those of us that are actually working within the laws of the U S, while everyone from the POTUS, DOJ on down in government prove that the law does not apply to them, and that they are above those laws we must abide by.

Someday .... something is going to have to give.

Tom Skoch said...

This misappropriation of the "Three Percenters" name is identity theft designed to smear real Three Percenters in the public's mind. Now "three percenter" will be spread wide by the media and progressives deceptively branding us as criminals. This new development fits right in with Eric Holder's new war on "domestic terrorists" -- the name "Three Percenter" is being warped into "criminal domestic terrorist." This is a ratcheting-up of tyranny by the government and has to be exposed and censured.

Anonymous said...

Well isn't that clever. It's a good thing that an effort to make gun running and the term "three percenter" synonymous will only work with the chronically ignorant.

Oh wait - that's half the country.

Rumplestiltskin said...

What's their plan? Maybe it's to take all our birthdays away. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Guessing they are referring to a different kind of III%?

Anonymous said...

Whatever level the threat scale is, I think it just moved up a notch.

By now it's almost certain the pizza kids were paid informants / agent provocateurs. Having failed their primary mission at the ranch, Vegas was their last chance for redemption. Wonder who really shot them both?

Mike, it goes without saying, but be careful. I'm starting to think they don't like you much.

Prayers continue,


Anonymous said...

I thought you would be interested in this article.
Semper Fi
Devildog in Kolorado

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, right. 3%ers responsible for gang-bangers shooting each other. This is like a bad "Twilight Zone" episode. Even the dumbest of agents have to be scratching their heads on this one..

Anonymous said...

Swift forgot to mention the ATF sewer rats!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Toys for Totalitarians struck a nerve?


Sam Manila said...

Just remember who it was that declared war. Them, not us...

Anonymous said...

Liberal democrap math. 40% from Illinois and 20% from Indiana = 3%. WTF

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, we've been "pinged".

Anonymous said...

... and the one big thing missing in Chicago ATF?



Anonymous said...

No, the point of this exercise is to draw a correlation to our group named the III percent and gang gun violence. That way they can move against us and get the citizenry to believe the meme they are fabricating out of whole cloth.

There's no IIIper movement in Chicago arming drug dealers....and TPTB know it. This is propaganda by the administrations (local, state and federal) and LE to demonize a group so when they start killing us, it will be deemed legitimate and justified by John Q. "uninformed" Public.

bobn said...

There is no doubt in my mind, that the ATF supplied the name, three-percenters, the targeted group. The association should not be lost on even a left-wing box of hammers and I KNOW that was their intent. Chicago Sewer Rats.

I call this Damnation by Conflation.

Anonymous said...

So, between these two organizations, the city of Shitcago and the BATFEces, where's the intelligence?

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Why are the Feds going nuts to enforce a city and state law?

Paul X said...

If the individuals cited in this article aren't careful, their names might end up on certain lists. Talk about reckless behavior...