The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Well, I wouldn't want them risking a broken fingernail over saving a citizen's life. NYPD Says "Too Risky" To Chase Large Rogue Biker Gangs
LATER: The lesson here for me is that I need more magazines for my carry piece, a Taurus PT-145. But dang are they expensive IF you can find them. I guess I'll look at the gun show next weekend.
On the heels of the Sunday incident where a marauding gang of rogue bikers chased and subsequently attacked a New York City motorist, NYPD officials say they are aware of the problem of rover biker gangs, but have ordered cops not to give chase after the large groups because the risk to pedestrians, and the riders, is too high."
The long-time reader who forwarded me this link comments:
For those of you who don't understand that tactical arithmetic that just issued forth here, I will distill this NYC press release down to a blastula level :
1. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get a carry permit for a handgun in N.Y. City.
2. The Police have just admitted that they will do NOTHING to stop real-time, Road Warrior, motorcycle-gang wilding highway events in the future.
Your previous position in NYC's food pyramid just went from apex predator, to Timothy Treadwell.
I don't know the numbers, but a LOT of innocent citizens are killed and maimed in high speed police chases, often when department policies have already required the pursuers to pull over and radio ahead, but their egos wouldn't let them do it.
NYPD won't go after rogue violent biker gangs, but no doubt WILL continue to go after prostitutes and cannabis peddlers/smokers, and blast away at people pulling out their wallets and fearing for their lives 'cause that wallet might be a firearm...
You couldn't make this crap up.
Please wake me up from the nightmare that is 'modern' AmeriKa.
Ok so the risk is high. That's fine. The risk and the consequences rest with the ones RUNNING. If someone is killed then the one running must be held to account - for battery if they are hurt and for murder if they are killed.
But then lawyers fucked that up when they decided to blame cops for chasing instead of accused for running and CAUSING the chase.
Look, I despise the nazi like JBTs we witness today BUT running from them and putting innocents at risk is NOT the Patriots action. You take the arrest and fight back in court.
We don't have to like that but the alternative is telling criminals that if they run they will not be chased.
I have no problem with bikers gathering and even riding together. But the REALITY in this situation is that a PUNK emboldened by numbers and a sense of self importance and individual ownership of the entire road led him to brake check the wrong guy. Had he just left that guy and his family alone - none of this would have happened.
But see it please folks. That mindset IS why the loyalists don't want lawful folks carrying. They don't want people defending themselves in the moment with firearms. However after this high profile event, now they gotta worry about people UNDERSTANDING that they CAN run the pukes who THREATEN THEM over. Motorcycle thugs ought to take notice - four wheels and a couple tons difference means riders ought not tangle with drivers for no reason.
Jack Ranger says... FIRE the entire NYPD and hire Mad Max to deal with the biker gangs. Max knows how to handle a biker gang! (start at about the 5:14 minute mark)
Essentially we're seeing the world of street gangs and flash mobs develop a "mechanized infantry -- rapid deployment" component. It has law enforcement puzzled, much like "active shooter" scenarios like Columbine and Virginia Tech. It may take then a while to figure this one out, but they're aware of the problem. ;-)
Until they come up with something, we're on our own.
While I feel horrible for the people that were terrorized in this incident there is a silver lining here.
The government is showing us their soft underbelly. In other words that they are scared of large armed groups that don't seem to have much use for the law. The Stasi are actually scared to pursue these guys. That should bring a smile to the face of many who realize once this country deteriorates just a bit more that there will be more free and untouchable groups that the cops are afraid to mobilize and hunt down.
A pump shotgun fired out of the window of that "Captive" SUV sure would have cleaned out a bunch of those bikers. I think once a show of force happens, the rogue biker gangs might realize that they are not as "Badass" as they think they are. Buckshot works wonders and with all those targets it would be hard to miss.
Bloomie's finest are ready to bust out-of-town tourists who don't realize their carry permit is invalid in NY, or merchants daring to sell a 32 oz Coke, but don't have the cojones to take on a group of out-of-control bikers. I think NY cops should wear pink underwear. Maybe it's just as well this way - if NY cops had opened fire, they likely would have missed the perps and blown away dozens of innocent bystanders. After all, they have a track record to maintain.
This is a risky line to take for the NYPD. They are admitting they aren't about protecting us after all. Then what good are they? Hmmm...
People will finally get the point that they ARE ON THEIR OWN. And that will be the end of gun control (if it ain't dead already). I bet the guy who got his ass kicked learned this lesson.
Just curious. The media keeps referring to these thugs as "bikers". In the limited video shown by mass media, my old eyes did not see an American-made motorcycle, just import "crotch rocket" racer type machines. "Bikers" used to ride American and for the most part left civilians alone. The media is tarring all motorcyclists with a broad brush. This incident shows that licensing schemes do not work, at least for motor vehicles. GC
1. SUV driver's first mistake was going to Fun City unarmed. Or, maybe, going to Sodom-on-the-Hudson in the first place.
2. Of course Melanin-Enriched "Diverse Urban Yoots" are going to get the kid-gloves treatment from Noo Yawk's finest. If they'd been white, does anyone doubt they'd have called out the SWAT teams, and the survivors would already be doing the "perp walk" for the cameras, with the NYT breathlessly accusing them of "hate crimes?"
Not only are carry permits nearly impossible to get, but if you get a NYS permit in another county, say the adjoining county of Westchester, which in and of itself takes a lot of paperwork and stamina, and commute in and out of NYC, you're violating their gun laws if you carry into any of the boroughs...
I don't know the numbers, but a LOT of innocent citizens are killed and maimed in high speed police chases, often when department policies have already required the pursuers to pull over and radio ahead, but their egos wouldn't let them do it.
Do I have this straight???
NYPD won't go after rogue violent biker gangs, but no doubt WILL continue to go after prostitutes and cannabis peddlers/smokers, and blast away at people pulling out their wallets and fearing for their lives 'cause that wallet might be a firearm...
You couldn't make this crap up.
Please wake me up from the nightmare that is 'modern' AmeriKa.
people think I'm joking when I say " When YOU need a belt feeder nothing else will do".
Ok so the risk is high. That's fine. The risk and the consequences rest with the ones RUNNING. If someone is killed then the one running must be held to account - for battery if they are hurt and for murder if they are killed.
But then lawyers fucked that up when they decided to blame cops for chasing instead of accused for running and CAUSING the chase.
Look, I despise the nazi like JBTs we witness today BUT running from them and putting innocents at risk is NOT the Patriots action. You take the arrest and fight back in court.
We don't have to like that but the alternative is telling criminals that if they run they will not be chased.
I have no problem with bikers gathering and even riding together. But the REALITY in this situation is that a PUNK emboldened by numbers and a sense of self importance and individual ownership of the entire road led him to brake check the wrong guy. Had he just left that guy and his family alone - none of this would have happened.
But see it please folks. That mindset IS why the loyalists don't want lawful folks carrying. They don't want people defending themselves in the moment with firearms. However after this high profile event, now they gotta worry about people UNDERSTANDING that they CAN run the pukes who THREATEN THEM over. Motorcycle thugs ought to take notice - four wheels and a couple tons difference means riders ought not tangle with drivers for no reason.
Jack Ranger says... FIRE the entire NYPD and hire Mad Max to deal with the biker gangs. Max knows how to handle a biker gang! (start at about the 5:14 minute mark)
Essentially we're seeing the world of street gangs and flash mobs develop a "mechanized infantry -- rapid deployment" component. It has law enforcement puzzled, much like "active shooter" scenarios like Columbine and Virginia Tech. It may take then a while to figure this one out, but they're aware of the problem. ;-)
Until they come up with something, we're on our own.
While I feel horrible for the people that were terrorized in this incident there is a silver lining here.
The government is showing us their soft underbelly. In other words that they are scared of large armed groups that don't seem to have much use for the law. The Stasi are actually scared to pursue these guys. That should bring a smile to the face of many who realize once this country deteriorates just a bit more that there will be more free and untouchable groups that the cops are afraid to mobilize and hunt down.
A pump shotgun fired out of the window of that "Captive" SUV sure would have cleaned out a bunch of those bikers. I think once a show of force happens, the rogue biker gangs might realize that they are not as "Badass" as they think they are. Buckshot works wonders and with all those targets it would be hard to miss.
"Mad Max" has now gone from fiction to reality....
Bloomie's finest are ready to bust out-of-town tourists who don't realize their carry permit is invalid in NY, or merchants daring to sell a 32 oz Coke, but don't have the cojones to take on a group of out-of-control bikers. I think NY cops should wear pink underwear. Maybe it's just as well this way - if NY cops had opened fire, they likely would have missed the perps and blown away dozens of innocent bystanders. After all, they have a track record to maintain.
Golly gee, I thought with radios and whatnot they could you know like call ahead for a roadblock? Mebbe use one of those MRAPs.
Put a fence around it and let them eat each other.
No, in all seriousness though, if the NYPD can't handle this exceptionally minor problem, why does anyone play that whole "resistance is futile" card?
We're talking about a small group of rowdy guys on bikes, unarmed, and without military training.
What are the police (local or fed) or the cowards in the military that will follow the orders to shoot us do when they're faced with us?
This is a risky line to take for the NYPD. They are admitting they aren't about protecting us after all. Then what good are they? Hmmm...
People will finally get the point that they ARE ON THEIR OWN. And that will be the end of gun control (if it ain't dead already). I bet the guy who got his ass kicked learned this lesson.
Just curious. The media keeps referring to these thugs as "bikers". In the limited video shown by mass media, my old eyes did not see an American-made motorcycle, just import "crotch rocket" racer type machines. "Bikers" used to ride American and for the most part left civilians alone. The media is tarring all motorcyclists with a broad brush. This incident shows that licensing schemes do not work, at least for motor vehicles. GC
1. SUV driver's first mistake was going to Fun City unarmed. Or, maybe, going to Sodom-on-the-Hudson in the first place.
2. Of course Melanin-Enriched "Diverse Urban Yoots" are going to get the kid-gloves treatment from Noo Yawk's finest. If they'd been white, does anyone doubt they'd have called out the SWAT teams, and the survivors would already be doing the "perp walk" for the cameras, with the NYT breathlessly accusing them of "hate crimes?"
There is a lesson here.
First buy a couple of guns ... then a Harley Davidson.
No more anti-gun BS!
Not only are carry permits nearly impossible to get, but if you get a NYS permit in another county, say the adjoining county of Westchester, which in and of itself takes a lot of paperwork and stamina, and commute in and out of NYC, you're violating their gun laws if you carry into any of the boroughs...
Anonymous at 9:15 wrote "Until they [the police] come up with something, we're on our own."
No. Even then, we will still be on our own.
More to the point 'They' will be on their own when SHTF!
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