Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sounds good to me. (Although if Piers Morgan didn't exist, I'd be tempted to invent him. He's just such a cartoon character for gun control.)

Piers Morgan Dumped by CNN
Link to original story.


Jeff Wood said...

I was one of those who signed the British petition to make you chaps keep the fellow.

We may have to do the job again...

Anonymous said...

More intellectually challenged progressive authoritarians. "The gun lobby"? So any person in the USA that gives two shits about a barely recognizable concept like FREEDOM is a part of some obscure "lobby"? Almost in the same sentence, the author goes on to marvel at how large this obscure lobby must actually be, based on web traffic. Could it be that most of America recognizes a filthy Redcoat when we see one and we are sick and tired of media elites, who are trapped in their own little bubble, lecturing us on their twisted ideas of what America is? Especially when that media elite is a rude, arrogant fat, pasty Brit? The only thing that surprises me is that Morgan was able to stay as long as he did. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

This isn't really an improvement. Morgan will surely get picked up by another left wing loon network like MSNBC so it is just a matter of time until he is given another megaphone and platform to abuse gun owners from again.

Second, the article says Katie "The Liberal" Couric is being considered as a replacement. Does anyone believe THIS is an improvement????

Although I am sure I am being unfair. After all she was a major news anchor so she will be much more unbiased and fair than someone like Morgan...

If you believe that I have some prime ocean front property in Nevada I would like to sell you.